Chapter Three

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Friday, June 12, 2015
1:24 AM

A Few Months Later

Ciel gaze stared down at the passed out Sebastian who had an empty bottle of vodka on his lap. Ciel- not impressed at all, Picked up the bottle and walked to the kitchen.

Annoyed and pissed off. Ciel ran a hand through his hair and let put a deep sigh. Although he was completely pissed off at Sebastian he couldn't help but to frown a little.

Ciel could feel his heart ache a little knowing that their three year anniversary is coming up. "Three years..." Ciel whispered under his breath. His eyes gazing down at the bottle that he was holding. He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes for a moment.

"You've been busy... Drinking and going out with your friends..."Ciel paused as he opened his eyes once again. Placing the empty bottle on the table. "You've been giving them more attention... To them. Than to me. Me. Your boyfriend." He whispered and let out a small laugh. It just didn't made any sense to him. Ciel wished he was the one going to bars with Sebastian, he WISHED it was him getting drunk with the person he deeply loves. It would of been fun right? Messing around and having fun together... But Sebastian rather hang out with his drunk addict friends than being with Ciel.

' I'm such an idiot... Maybe I'm just selfish? Am I.... I mean I just really miss Sebastian... I miss my old Sebastian.... Am I just... Not good enough anymore? Did he got tired of me? I'm doing the best I can on this relationship. But come to think of it what kind of man. A man like Sebastian... Love me? What does he see in me now? ..... I don't know.....'

Ciel groaned as he stopped his thoughts for a moment. He stared at his fingers and bit his lower lip.

'I just really miss my Sebastian... Where he would make me breakfast dinner and lunch each day... Spoil me with many kisses and hugs. Call me by the nicknames he gave me. Hold my hand when we go out for walks or even when we go to the stores near our homes. When he remembers our anniversary without having me reminding him. He was just the type of man anybody would love to be with... I miss cuddling him, giving him kisses without him getting annoyed or pushing me away... I'm just selfish right? All he wants now is sex and beer maybe he had sex with someone... Someone else...'

Ciel thoughts went silent for a moment. He can feel his heart on his throat by now. A shaky breath slowly escaped from his lips as he stood up from the kitchen seat he was sitting on. He quickly grabbed his school back and walked up stairs to their room. Slowly stripping off from his clothes. With a tired yawn Ciel walked towards Sebastian's closet picking a random white T-shirt so he can wear as nightclothes. He really tried to not think about Sebastian or literally anything.

Once he was changed and ready for bed he made sure the door was locked so Sebastian wouldn't get in. That is if he wakes up later tonight....

"Have fun sleeping on the couch, asshole.." Ciel mumbled boredly as he got under the covers and on the center of the bed. All warm and comfortable due to all the pillows around him.  Ciel exhaled slowly and held onto a pillow. To him he always needed something or someone to cuddle with so he can fall asleep. Usually it would of been Sebastian but he didn't want to hold a passed out drunkie.

Saturday, June 13, 2015
9:21 AM

Ciel groaned quietly and stretched his body as he was finally fully awake. He didn't forget about last night. Ciel felt like complete shit and useless. And even while he felt down he sat on the edge of the bed and stretched his arms, yawning as he slipped on some warm slippers. "I'm hungry..." he mumbled quietly to himself.

He walked down the stairs and looked at Sebastian. "Morning..." He mumbled before taking out a box of cookies. Since that's all he felt like eating- and then a bowl of yogurt.

Ciel took a seat down and scrolled through his phone as he had his "breakfast". Sebastian gaze slowly rolled over to Ciel. Completely noticing the different attitude and vibes from Ciel. ".... Morning..." Sebastian then responded back.

While Ciel looked like he was just scrolling through his social media he was actually thinking of a way to tell Sebastian some important news. He was nervous. Not really sure if he can do this.

"So... How was school?" Sebastian spoke, obviously trying to form a conversation with Ciel. Also because he knows that Ciel is mad at him. It is SO obvious. "Good." Was Ciel response. Sebastian exhaled and looked down at his bowl of cereal. "Hm... Anything new?" Ciel put down his phone and gave Sebastian a 'are you fuckin serious' look. "As if you are interested about my day at school." Sebastian frowned a little bit and looked at Ciel. "Of course I do... Why would you say tha-" Ciel laughed and shooked his head. "Just stop... Shut up please.." Ciel mumbled. Already feeling like he couldn't breath. Sebastian nodded slowly and ran a thumb underneath Ciel's eye, cleaning away the barely there tears.

"Also... Sebastian... I want you to know that I love you but..." Ciel paused letting out a short breath. "I'm leaving tonight..."


A/N: Aw sorry for the long wait I actually didn't have any motivation to update. But I updated :) and I still plan to update more soon. I'm really glad most of you guys are enjoying my story!

PS: it's 2am I apologize for any mistakes!

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Instagram role play account: bby.ciel

RE; Falling In Love All Over AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora