"I haven't really thought of any" I said and Idris spoke up

"Elijah, What about Elijah" Idris said and I looked over at him

"I like it" I said and he smiled making me turning my head the other way

"Alright well doctor hopefully the next time I see you, this baby will ready to come out" I said and she laughed

"I hope so too, Later Kim" My doctor said and she walked out

"Kimberly I'm sorry..." I sat up and I slapped the shit out of him

"I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear no shit like that from you until this baby pop out my pussy. So please shut the fuck up. Now come on, we can go to lunch and maybe I just might be open to talk with you" I said and he sat there shocked


"So how have you been" Idris asked and my phone started ringing it was Aubrey and I smiled

"Hold on one second" I said to Idris and I answering the phone

"Hello beautiful" He said and I smiled

"Hello Aubrey" I said

"What are you and Ava doing" He asked

"Well I'm at lunch with a friend and Ava is at private school. You must be bored" I said

"Nah driving home from the studio. Finna go pick up Ace from school" He said

"Where is little miss Aaliyah" I asked

"She in the back, I took her to the studio with me. She was my little inspiration" He said

"Aww give her kisses for me, I'll call you later." I said

"Alright later beautiful" Aubrey said making me blush

"Later Aubrey" I said as I hung up

"Who was that?" Idris asked

"Ava's father" I said

"You two back together?" He asked

"No, even though that's none of your concern. Now like you we're asking, I've been on and off some days are on to be good and some days are off to be bad. What about you" I said

"It is my concern..." I cut him off

"Look I am not about to sit here and talk to you about my ex- fiance/the father of my daughter. I already don't like you here with me so Ima need you to keep the conversation off of us ever being together because lord knows I will not be fucking you again, Two my baby daddy. The only thing we can talk about is our son" I said and he sighed

"Alright, Alright." He said and I rolled my eyes

Lord this going to be a challenge


"Ava baby prayers and bed" I said and she came up to me with her hair in pigtails and she was in her pajamas

"Can we call Daddy for prayers?" She asked and I nodded

"Here call him while, I show Idris out" I said as I handed her my phone and I walked out into the living room to find Idris and I walked up to him

"I'm sorry that I've kind of being snapping on you but, I just have to set some rules plus this baby has me on my highs" I said looking down

"It's okay hopefully tomorrow will be better" He said

"I wouldn't depend on it, I'm suppose to be having my best gay friend Alex, coming over to help me yoga for the baby. The best day is Thursday. So by then you've settled in and I've calmed down from my emotions" I said and he nodded

"Goodnight Kimberly" He said and I sighed

"Goodnight Idris" I said smiling politely and he walked out and I locked the door behind him

I walked into Ava's room to see her on her knees in the dark and I joined her with Aubrey.

"Ahora me acuesto a dormir Oró para que cuide mi alma , si me muero antes de despertar Ruego mi alma por Dios para llevar . Si voy a vivir para otros días le pido al Señor para guiar mis días. Amen" She said in spanish and I smiled

( Now I lay me down to sleep I pray my soul to keep, if I shall die before I wake I pray my soul for god to take. If I shall live for other days I pray the lord to guide my days)

"Buena nina. Alright princess I love you" Aubrey said

"Love you too daddy goodnight" Ava said and I kissed Ava's cheek

"Goodnight Angel" I said tucking her in and I grabbed my phone closing her door

"So it's just us?" He said and I smiled

"No it's just me, you're not here" I said and he chuckled

"Think again" He said and then I heard a knock at the door, I know he's just playing he's got to be and I opened the door to find Aubrey there and I squealed hugging him

"Aubrey what are you doing here?" I asked

"Well my mom had decided to take the kids to Quebec for a week or two so I decided to come and see you and Ava. With you having the baby soon and Ava's schedule I decided to come and help you." He said and I smiled

"I missed you so much, and it's only been four months" I said and he smirked

"I mean I am the ChampagnePapi" He said and I pushed his chest

"Come on, I'm happy you're here. I can sleep peacefully now" I said and I grabbed his hand taking him to my room and he took off his fur coat and his yeezys and laid in my bed and I took off my dress and I went in my closet and I took off my bra putting on my cover up

I turned off the lights and got in bed next to Aubrey and I laid on my side and Aubrey cuddled me from behind rubbing my stomach and I breathed out relived

"Feels so good, Aubrey sing to me" I said and he laughed lightly

"Baby you're my everything, you're all I ever wanted

We could do it real big, bigger than you ever done it

You be up on everything, other hoes ain't never on it

I want this forever, I swear I could spend whatever on it

'Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up

When I get right I promise that we gon live it up

She make me beg for it, till she give it up

And I say the same thing every single time

I say, you da fuckin' best you da fuckin' best" He sung and I hit him laughing

"What you ain't like it, I mean baby girl you my everything" He said referring to his lyrics again and I rolled my eyes

"Just hold me" I said and he kissed my cheek pulling me to him

"Goodnight Aubrey" I said yawing

"Goodnight Beauty" He said and we fell asleep together

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