Chapter 8

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Deemed to be a match made in heaven, the love ties never meant to be broken, as the other recovering with the thought the one he loved died tragically, the other was far from awakening. His soul was still trapped in his comatose state but trying his best to find his way. The Saki family was moving heaven and earth to pull him back to his glorious life.

"In the dark, cold snowflakes descended all over his body. His whole body was numb. He could not move. The entire body paralysed. Not a single muscle twitched. Panic! Where am I? Laying out in the snow alone in the dark and helpless; listening to the wind howling eerily. He could not feel anything. He felt overwhelmed and scared at the same time. Heartbeats were thumping in his chest. His eyes... No sensation at all. Not a single tear. Oh my God. What had happened to me? Me? Who am I? The most dreaded above all... He did not know his own identity. This is alarming... Terror washed over him."

Beep...beep...beep... the ECG – the electrocardiogram was beeping alarmingly. Gii's heart beat rose uncontrollably causing ruckus among the medical expert watching over him. He did not move even a muscle but his heart beat increase. This was dangerous. A seizure sure will damage his brain and with his condition, it might be irreparable. They did all they could within their power to maintain Gii's fragile health at the moment.

His scull's fractures continued recovering and the swell had reduced. The size of his head returned to its original shape. The bruises all over his face had gone too. His fractured leg need more time to heal. Mr. Saki had given stern order never ever called his son Gii again. A new identity was created and to be prepared for Gii when he gained his conscious. Saki Giichi was dead. Saki Ryuchii is his new identity. Whenever any conversation took place only Ryuchii or Ryu could be used. Even Mrs Saki went along with her husband and was forced to change the way calling her beloved son.

How Mr Saki able to persuade his spirited wife was still a mystery. Maybe she was too afraid of losing her son made him went along with the whole plan. Maybe she might already argue but Mr Saki was known for his ruthless and brilliant strategy in business sure had his own secret to make his wife obeyed him.

Mrs Saki spent many hours speaking and whispering hope and endearment to her son's ears daily. She only left her son bed when she was unable to hold her sadness and tears. Tried her best to be calm and strong in front of her son really took her energy and strength away. Her body weight was also plummeting. She lost her usual radiance. Mrs Saki Naomi's state was really sorry to look at.

From afar, Mr Saki was eying his wife wearily. His son was bedridden and his life was hanging on a single thread and now his wife too. His hatred for Takumi mounted. He promised, he would never allow Takumi to ever cross his path with his family again. Not now. Not ever.


Mr. Saki Akihiko stomped his feet away and marched to his study room. A secret meeting was arranged between him and a private investigator by Mr. Shimaoka – his personal assistant. Boiled with rage inside his chest, he crumpled Takumi's recent picture with his smiling face in front of the small audiences as he finished playing Amati. Compared to his son Takumi seemed well and healthy; in fact he was happy but his son... His son was pathetically laid on bed paralyzed.

His pulses filled with wrath were seen drumming on his temples; his knuckles were white. Rage has been his best companion lately. Thinking back what he had done after the tragedy – one by one flashing upon his mind vividly clear as if watching a movie in front of a giant screen.

Planning the biggest con ever exist as leverage to destroy Takumi's life for taking his son away from him was his supreme attention now. An eye for an eye... He remembered how shattered his heart to fake his own son's funeral, having a tombstone carved in his son's name, making his oath renewed to wipe out Takumi from history every time he put flowers on top of his son's phony grave. All the pain bottled inside his body boiled like magma in the core of the earth.

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