Chapter 4

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Fortunately, they were able to hail a taxi without waiting for too long. The taxi whizzed to the designated location. No conversation exchanged in between Takumi and Akaike on the way to Akaike's apartment. Maybe they both were respecting each other's privacy in silence. Soon upon arrival, after paying the taxi fare, they walked hurriedly to Akaike's home. Their hands were numb owing to hauling heavy bags in each hand. As the front door opened, they quickly dumped the bags unceremoniously on the floor and both flopped on the sofa panting for air because of exhaustion. Neither paid attention to each other's well being. They were busy catching their own breath until the moment they clashed their eyes onto each other, reading the other comical facial expression; both burst into laughter. After they had surfaced to reality, Akaike was the first one to break the ice starting the conversation.

"Glad to hear you laughing again Hayama," Akaike smiled as he started to cajole his friend to a light banter.

Takumi smiled hearing Akaike's teasing, "Thank you Akaike-kun. You are always available whenever I need you."

"Ahh... I'm forever at your service sir," nodding his head once while showing his bashful smile towards Takumi.

"Hmmm... even as a messenger between Gii and me once upon a time... Thank you Akaike-kun. I'm forever in debt and hope I can find a way to repay your kindness...Akaike-kun...hontoni domo arigatou gozaimasu," Takumi bowed to show his gratitude.

"Oii need to do that, we are friends after all...Your happiness and smiles are all I need to repay me," Akaike simply answered in response. As he saw Takumi seemed surprise, he quickly added, "You said so earlier, saying you would like to repay me back."

Takumi was speechless and just grinning shyly.

"Hayama...let's start unpack. I'll show you to your room and I think I'm going to cook something for our dinner. We skipped lunch earlier and my stomach is grumbling unhappily," Akaike soon stood up and pull Takumi's hand and shoved him to the room. He left Takumi on his own and dashed to the kitchen.

Smiling and humming his favourite tune, Akaike was deeply engrossed in his territory enchanting everybody palate with his splendid cooking. He swiftly took off his coat and hung it on the coat-hanger. Later, he took a blue black apron and spread all the ingredients needed for diner. Before preparing the ingredients, he cooked the rice first. Next he took out the seafood: scallops, prawn and squid for garlic fried rice with seafood; the mushrooms: Cremini, Shiitake and White for miso soup. Then he chopped, sliced and cut all the ingredients accordingly and cheerfully cooking with love. One by one was done and garnished elegantly like 5-star cuisine. Iced mint lemonade for the drinks and strawberry pudding topped with vanilla ice-cream decorated with freshly sliced strawberry on the top for dessert.

He felt sweaty and headed to the bathroom to get a quick shower. As he passed by Takumi's room, he was silently tip-toed and peered from outside. Takumi was still unpacking and did not aware of his presence. He did not want to disturb him and hurriedly took his bath. After he had finished taking his bath, he sauntered to the kitchen and saw Takumi was sitting on the edge of the single bed gazing at Gii's picture in his hand as he passed by.

Akaike felt his heart ached and called Takumi's name a few times, "Hayama...Hayama...Hayama..."

Slanting his head towards the door, Takumi was a bit shocked. " long have you been standing over there...Akaike-kun...?" Takumi stammered. "You have changed your clothes?" Takumi enquired.

"Yes, I have. Why don't you go take a shower and freshen up. Diner is ready and come to the dining table. We can eat together," Akaike pretended he did not see what had happened before his eyes.

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