Chapter 5

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While waiting for his friends' arrival, he prepared aromatic herbal tea ideal to help the mind and body unwind and felt calmer. He brewed a special blend ingredients including mint, citrus-like herbs, cinnamon and aromatic flowers in a clay pot. The aroma of the tea diffused around the kitchen area. As he inhaled the fragrance of the tea, the calming effect was effective almost immediately.

The sound of the door bell instantly brought Akaike dashing to the front door. Misu, Syingyoji and Toshihisa were waiting at the entrance. He ushered them to the dining area and enlightened everybody with the recent story. Everyone was whispering to avoid disrupting Takumi's peaceful sleep.

"What happened to the other 5 victims? I was distracted by Takumi's outbreak," Akaike enquired.

"They are still searching," Toshihisa quickly answered.

"Why don't you call Gii's family? You are his best friend after all," Misu stared into Akaike's eyes.

"Yes, I'm his best friend but when it comes to family matters, Gii kind of secretive. I only know his father is a powerful conglomerate tycoon and probably now have set up their own rescue team. Gii is their only son and the heir of his father's mega corporation even though Gii has an older sister," Akaike reasoned greatly because judging from the tone of Misu's voice, he sensed Misu was accusing him.

"I didn't blame you Shouzou, it's not what I meant," as if he could read Akaike's mind, Misu quickly clarified.

"What should we do now?" Syingyoji promptly asked to ease the tension atmosphere.

"Yeah...we should be united for Takumi's sake," Toshihisa added.

"Hmmm... let's have tea everybody. I have prepared herbal tea for all of you," Akaike hurriedly brought four mugs filled with aromatic herbal tea.

Everyone was silent and savouring the soothing taste and aroma of the tea.

"We should pay close attention to the current news," suggested Akaike breaking the silence.

The other three nodded in agreement. Misu and Akaike were busy checking their smart phone for any new update. Meanwhile Toshihisa and Syingyoji were checking on Takumi in the bedroom. They both tip toed inside and silently observing him.

Syingyoji was unable to contain his sadness when he saw Takumi's condition. His body started shaking and he quickly muffled his sobs by covering his mouth with his palm. Toshihisa hastily dragged him out to the living room and tried to comfort him.

"Where are they?" Misu asked.

"Hmmm...? I beg your pardon?" Akaike raised his enquiring eyes.

"Toshihisa and Syingyoji?" he asked again.

"Oh...checking on Takumi I guess... Let's go," Akaike stood up followed by Misu.

As they went to Takumi's room, Toshihisa and Syingyoji were not around. Refused to disturb Takumi they only observed from a far and sauntered to the living room. Misu saw Syingyoji red eyes and sighed. He slowly approached and sat beside him. He knew what had happened although his pet did not say anything and pulled his lover close to his side.

The other two were just exchanging knowing stares and hid their smile. Misu's attitude toward his pet has change a lot after Syingyoji graduated from Shido Gakuen last year. As if his sixth sense fully activated, Misu shot a glaring stare toward both Akaike and Toshihisa causing the other two chuckled even more.

Akaike took the remote control and switched on the television and reduced the volume. As they watched, the breaking news on the last 5 victims appeared. There were NO SURVIVORS. All four of them were frozen, speechless gazing at each other and back on the screen. They could not believe their ears and eyes.

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