Chapter 1

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"Gii is coming home today," Takumi mumbled alone while humming his favourite tune joyfully. As he pushed the chair when he wanted to walk to the sink, he accidently knocked down a glass. Unfortunately the glass shattered as soon as it fell down on the marbled floor. "Ahh... why I have to be so clumsy early in the morning," chuckled to himself, he brought the plate he hold to the sink and returned to pick up the shards of broken glasses earlier. Carefully he picked the larger pieces of glass with his right hand and put it on his left palm. "Ouch!" Takumi quickly examined his right forefinger and noticed blood started to trickle. 

He stood up and threw the glasses he already picked into the dustbin and put his injured forefinger under running water at the sink. Later, he rummaged into the first aid kit searching for the disinfectant and plaster to stop the bleeding. After that he took the broom and dustpan and finished cleaning the glasses. Glancing at the clock on the wall, his heart bloomed and he almost jingle all the way to his bedroom and changed his attire. He was going to fetch his sweetheart at the airport. Looked at his own reflection in the mirror in a white v-shape neck t-shirt and dark blue denim, a black cardigan; Takumi smiled and exhaled a deep sigh of relief. Checking his face and giving his raven hair one final touch and he was good to go. Finally took his wallet and locked the door.

Once outside, he gazed upon the sky, the passion that both he and Gii shared, admiring the clear blue sky and inhaling the morning fragrance from the early spring blossom. Everything seems such a wonderful day of all days. Everything was perfect except the minor event earlier which already overwhelmed by Takumi's high spirit because his beloved returning from New York later this afternoon. His high spirit was glowing into his motion and radiated through his smile and sparkling in his beautiful eyes. He took his time walking into a flower shop choosing carefully from arrays of flowers and asked the florist to wrap a bouquet of red roses for his beloved Gii. "Flowers for your sweetheart?" the florist enquired and smiled sweetly. 

Takumi was too ecstatic to answer only beamed widely and nodded once as pink hue started creeping onto his cheeks. "She is indeed a lucky girl to have a romantic boyfriend like you," the florist remark had made Takumi's heart stopped a bit and swallowed it down deep into his heart. He just smiled and left the shop. He did not blame that girl. His "relationship" with Gii is too "special" to be understood by others. She did not know. Once again, he just pushed aside the unpleasant remark and looking forward to meet his Gii. "His" Gii... He grinned. He stride quickly to the nearest subway and headed to Narita Airport. As soon as he found his seat and settled down, he tried to search for his hand phone but was nowhere to be found. He soon remembered he had left his hand phone on the small table next to his bed. The last time he talked with Gii last night. "What happened to me, one unfortunate event after another," he just chucked to himself for his silly mistake. But still his mood was not affected by them.

Finally he had arrived at Narita Airport and stopped at a kiosk selling books and magazines. He bought a magazine to kill his time waiting for his beloved at the waiting area. Gii's flight will arrive soon. He sat down and put the bouquet of roses on the seat next to him and started browsing through the magazine. Once in a while he was leisurely gazing at the people around him, smiling and chuckling definitely enjoying the human activity from a far. Takumi was really enchanted by a little girl sitting on his father's lap. Her shining blond curly hair twisted like Cinderella's hair. Her sweet smile and contagious laughter reminded him of his beloved Gii. He wondered if Gii had a daughter, she will be sweet and beautiful as that little girl. "Eh!!! Why am I blushing like a woman?" Takumi hid his warm face behind the magazine pretending to read it. 

Gii's flight should supposedly arrive now. When he glanced up at the board, Gii's flight was delayed. "Nothing happen perhaps, it's going to be okay, Gii is coming home. I can endure 2 weeks without Gii by my side, a few more hours...I should be fine," Takumi tried to calm down and to console his heart which started to drum faster by minute. Trying his best to distract his turmoil feeling, he casted his eyes upon that little girl earlier strived to find solace in that sweet little face. Deep inside, he never seized praying that his beloved will be back safe and soundly to him. His hands started trembling and he put down the magazine. Staring at the roses made him choked and hard to breath. He struggled to calm himself and tried to slowly take a deep breath one after another and manage to cool down a bit.

The clock was ticking very painfully slow. Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, the other people around Takumi started to be restless and anxious at the same time. "They are maybe friends, relatives, families or even lovers like me. They are all worried. I do understand those feeling. We shared the same worries after all," that was what Takumi said inside his head. He thought he was not alone in this situation and had to be brave. He knew he can do this. Gii had taught him to be brave and able to overcome any obstacle so far since they were both in high-school. After 8 hours waiting, finally the CEO of Japan Airline announced the most excruciatingly dreadful news ever. 

The flight that supposedly brought Gii home was caught in turbulence of sudden storm and was lost from radar. The shocking news was not only devastating the Japanese but other countries as well. Upon hearing the most shattering news, Takumi felt his heart constricted and sudden pain in his chest made him unable to breath. He grasped the bouquet of roses and brought it close to his aching chest. His panic stricken face became as white as a corpse and beads of sweats started secreting from his sweat glands. His ears ringing and his vision became blurred and total blackness has taken his conscious. He had collapsed on the floor with the rose bouquet tightly clutched in his grip upon his chest. People around him started shaking and asking for response but it was futile. Soon, the paramedic arrived and he was brought to the nearest hospital.

As soon as they arrive at the emergency room, all eyes turned towards Takumi. "Why are the red roses doing here anyway?" one of the nurse asked. "It's very difficult for us to part the bouquet from his clutch, just put it near him later, it seems really important to him," with a solemn smile and pleading voice, the paramedic took his exit after he had explained what had happened at the scene. Takumi was given the standard check-up and was sent to one of the ward. He was unable to regain conscious yet. He is very lucky though, that angel nurse really taking care of the roses, put her extra mile effort to find proper vase for the flowers. The roses adorned the table next to his bed. "Gii...Gii...Gii..." Takumi had barely awake but he kept mumbling Gii's name. 

The nurse on duty heard his pitiful moan and slowly shook Takumi from his feverish. "Hayama-san...Hayama-san...Hayama-san," the nurse slowly uttered his name. Slowly he regained his sanity and opened his eyes. Blinking his eyes few times to adjust the amount of light entering through his pupil and he suddenly remembered what had happened. He sprung to a sitting position and flustered to get free from the needled attached at the back of his left hand. "Hayama-san...Hayama-san...calm down, relax, take a deep breath. I'll call the doctor and tell him you are awake," the nurse cleverly consoled Takumi and eased him back to lie down. 

"Do you have anybody you want to tell about your condition? You did not have cell phone with you when you arrive last night. So, we are unable to contact your relative. Do you want me to contact anybody for you?" the nurse tried to make conversation to ease his agitation. "Akaike-kun...I want to see Akaike-kun," he hastily answered. After writing the phone number, the nurse walked out of the room and quickly reported to the doctor and called Akaike.

"Hello, may I speak to Akaike-san please?" a soft voice at the end of the line. "I am speaking. What can I help you?" he replied with a businesslike tone. "I'm calling on behalf of Hayama-san. He was hospitalized since last night," the nurse explained. "What!!! What had happened to him?" Akaike was too shocked and after the nurse had enlightened him with all the detail he finally calmed down. Later, he quickly dialled Misu's phone number and definitely Misu will tell Syingyoji soon after. Akaike was a bit shaken after hearing the news but did not expect Takumi will be hospitalized. 

As soon as he saw the breaking news on television, he almost predicted something might be happening to Takumi but assuming he did not receive any call from Takumi, he thought he might be alright. He hastily got ready to rush to the hospital where Takumi stayed. He had already asked Misu and Syingyoji to go there as well because Takumi really need them right now especially when it was related to the most important person to Takumi. He really hoped Takumi's phobia will not relapse like before. If it did happen, only Gii could undo it. "Please Takumi...Do hang in there," Akaike really hope his prayer answered. He dashed to the hospital as soon as possible.


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