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I don't know why but i liked this Helen Keller quote a lot so thought to share.


Walking with a friend in dark is better than walking alone in the light                                                                                                          - Helen Keller

Meaning: The quote above emphasizes the importance of having a friend by your side.Although it is preferred to walk in the light, solitude and being alone makes this seem undesirable. While on the other hand, those who walk in the dark with a friend will enjoy much more. A friend is one who can make you laugh/smile even if you are in the worst situation ever.A friend is always there to help you make a decision and get you through any tough times. Friend can always make you feel good and that is why having a friend by your side beats all other options.


This time I was helped in writing the meaning and here it became too big by joining both of us' opinion.And the one who helped me write the meaning was my friend.So thank you girl even if you aren't in wattpad.

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