First Kiss!!!!!

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Please check out the video above!! It has absolutely nothing to do with these preferences but I love the song and that video! The song is Control by Halsey.
She really does, I can't tell you how many times I've seen her watch it ~Shadow
Haha yeah I forced her to watch it😂😂

Also, I might put a few curse words in here. They may be nothing for some people but for me, it's a big step....oh gosh I'm already hating this idea!!!
I can hear Cap now....
"[insert curse word],"
Steve was at your apartment. You two had established a schedule for every Friday night, the other would go to each other's place. Today, Steve went to your house. You two had finished eating dinner and now we're watching a movie in the living room. During commercial, something donned on you; can Steve dance? "Hey, Steve?," you asked. "Hmm". "Can you dance? Like ballroom?," you asked. He looked at you and thought. "Well....I was supposed to learn after the war...but that was when I...went under," he said his past forming in his eyes. You understood and wanted to drop the topic as quickly as possible, knowing that Steve had a hard time talking about his past. "Oh, ok, I gotcha I was just wondering," you said dropping the topic. You say in an awkward silence for a minute before Steve broke it. "You know....we could learn together. Now if you want," he suggested. You smiled brightly at him. "Okay," you said getting up.
*time skip brought to you by Bucky wrapping up his arm in Saran Wrap to take a shower*
Everything was set up. You had pulled up a video on ballroom dancing and Steve moved the furniture out of the way to give you guys dancing room. You hit play on the video. A young man and woman about your guys' age (well not technically Steve's age) appeared on the screen. "Alright, the first thing you want to do is get into dance position. Gentlemen, put your right hand on the woman's waist and women, put your left hand on your man's shoulder. Then, men take the lady's right hand in your left hand". You and Steve got into position and your breath hitched in your throat when he put his hand on your waist. "Now, let's start with the basics. There are two types of steps; the box step and the side step. Let's start with the box step. Ladies, you will step back with your right foot and gentlemen, step forward with your left foot. Then, ladies, take a step to the left and gentlemen take a step to the right. Next, gentlemen take a step back with your right foot and ladies forward with your left. Finally, to complete the square, men take a step to the left and ladies to the right. Continue doing this". You and Steve started to do the box step; both of you wincing a little when the other would step on each other's toes. "I'm sorry, I never really learned either," you said. "It's fine," he smiled his kind smile that just warmed your heart. You started to get more comfortable with each other as you moved to a more "normal" dance position; your hands around his neck and both of his hands on your waist. Then, your faces seemed to inch closer together and soon electric sparks coursed through your body. It hit you then what had happened when the electric sparks left; Steve had kissed you. When Steve pulled away, his blue eyes were wide with shock for what he had done, his mouth was gaping open, and a light blush was painted on his face. Taking from the heat coming off of your face, you were blushing too. "Um-um I-I'm so sorry. I-i didn't know what came over me-,"he stammered. All you did was grab onto his face with your hands and pecked him on the lips shutting him up. "Steve, it's fine really, we were gonna have our first kiss sometime soon," you said. He smiled slowly and you both sealed this memory with your third kiss.

Bruce ran his hand through his hair multiple times roughly. He was pacing the floor, trying not to look at the computer. You walked in holding your iPad, checking your emails. Your aunt was coming to town and you haven't seen her in years. "Um, Bruce, I'm gonna need to take a vacation next weee-what's wrong?," you asked seeing him pacing. He stopped in his tracks glaring at you. "You tell me," he said pointing to the computer. You set down the iPad and walked over to the computer, Bruce pacing again. You made the screen go bigger and it turned to a hologram. It was Bruce's latest paper talking how dark matter would be formed in space. "Bruce....," you said still not understanding. Bruce was fed up right now and pointed to the math portion of the paper. "That's my problem! I messed up! My calculations were wrong!," he said loudly. "Bruce, it's okay-," "No it's not okay! This was published to the whole science community and now thanks to my stupid mistake the whole community will think wrong of me!," he yelled kicking his chair. He rubbed his hands over his face. You noticed that his veins were starting to turn green. Oh god.... "Bruce, please listen to me, you need to calm down. Everyone makes mistakes," you reassured him walking up to him grabbing his hands before he rubs his face off. "But I'm not everyone! I'm one of the smartest people in the world and I made a small, stupid, idiotic, first grade mistake!," he yelled. He started to rant to himself pulling away from you. Now his eyes were flashing green and you knew you had to act quickly. Before he could even take a breath to say his next line of rant, you grabbed his face and slammed your lips to his. Your fingers were at the point where his jaw meets his neck, right where his pulse was. Which was going a hundred miles an hour. At first he was stiff and wanted to break away from you. But slowly, he started to relax and melt into the kiss. You felt his pulse return to its normal speed. You broke away from him and looked at his face. His face was filled with exhaustion and confusion. No more green. You smiled, tears forming in your eyes, and engulfed him in a hug. "Don't ever do that again; working yourself up," you mumbled into his chest, sniffling. He wrapped one hand on your back and the other cradling your head. All he could do was nod and hug you tighter.

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