Chapter 12 - The Phone Call

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"Hey! I didn't destroy the ice cream shop yesterday...I did it last Thursday."

Bruce piped up, "I heard about it; Jasper told me. I stayed up all night, trying to go back in time and see who would ever want to kill Jasper, Lanny, or Aria. I can see why anyone would want to target Blaze; she's evil, but the others?"

"Say, GraLu shipper, do you like the taste of fire?" You'll never guess who said that. Bruce sat down really quick after that.

"Guys, quiet down, please. I'm still trying to figure things out!" Avon begged. Yeah, he takes a while to make sense of things. But he's never wrong, he might as well be a super-genius.

"Say Lanny, where'd you get that scratch on your face? It's almost like you were in the exploding building." Vane, being a clueless bird-brain as usual, questioned. Actually, I shouldn't say that. Lanny has been in a bad mood all morning, and therefore, Vane feels obligated to do everything within his power to get on his nerves.

"That's because I was!" Was the, ever-so-beautiful reply from Lanny, that clearly said, 'you are an idiot, you should know this information, "So were Blaze, Jasper, and Aria."

"Oh, then why didn't you heal yourself?"

"You know damn well why I didn't heal myself."

Vane pretended to think, "Actually, I don't think I do. Mind explaining it?"

"No. Have fun failing the exam tomorrow. Now go away."

"You know what? I don't think I will."

"Well, then enjoy being ignored." Lanny opened his book, flipped to a blank page, and started to doodle in the corner.

"Why are you so touchy today? Aw, did Aria rejected you?"

Lanny looked the dude right in the eye, "How about you go bother Noelle or something? Leave me alone."

Vane got this evil smile on his face as his eyes fell on me.



(Oh my Irene this is going to be a boring chapter, isn't it...?)

Rana's POV

Who's brilliant idea was it to put me in charge of these...I can't be bothered to think of a name that accurately describes these children.

"How about destructive idiots who keep blowing up everything they touch? That's 10 words." Zephira smirks.

"Thanks Zephira. Wait! Stop reading my mind!" I yell.

There are twelve other past-generation diviners that could've done the job. But NOOOO, they went and stuck this responsibility on me, while the others get to just sit around in the spirit world and do nothing!

It's almost summer, that's why I'm stressed out. Not because of the inevitability of a traitor and obvious betrayal that is impending upon us, but final exams are tomorrow.

Oh, by tea and crumpets, this is perfect.

-----Later In Class-----

Small but Divine (Old)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon