Pharmacologic Relief during Labor and Birth & Cesarian Births

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Pharmacologic Relief during Labor and Birth

a. Narcotic analgesia (Demerol)

b. Lumbar epidural block – administered for 1st stage of labor (Marcaine)

c. Pudendal block – administered just before delivery for perineal anesthesia (Lidocaine)

d. Local infiltration of perineum – injected just before delivery for episiotomy incision (Lidocaine)

e. General intravenous anesthetic (Thiopental)

Cesarian Births

 derived from Latin word: Caedore “to cut”

 2 types: Scheduled and Emergency

Intraoperative Care Measures

 Administration of anesthesia

 Skin prep.

 Surgical Incision

2 types: > classic

> transverse

*** VBAC – vaginal birth after cesarian

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