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Definition of Terms

Pregnancy – state of having a developing fetus in the womb

Gravida / Gravidity – number of pregnancies including the present pregnancy regardless of the outcome and duration

Gravid – pregnant woman

Parity / Para – total number of pregnancies that had reached the age of viability whether born dead or alive

Abortion – any pregnancy terminated before the age of viability; miscarriage

Age of Viability -

Primigravida – a woman who is pregnant for the first time

Primipara – first time completed pregnancy

Diagnosis of Pregnancy

Signs and symptoms are divided into 3:

- Presumptive Signs – subjective signs

- Probable signs – there could be objective signs

- Positive signs

* Diagnosis of pregnancy is based on pregnancy – related physical and hormonal changes and is classified as presumptive, probable or positive.

I. Presumptive Signs and Symptoms (Subjective)

- These changes may be noticed by mother / health care provider but are not conclusive for pregnancy

- Amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation)

- Nausea and vomiting (5-12 wks)

- Urinary frequency (6-12 wks)

- Fatigue

- Breast changes

- Weight change

- Skin changes

- Vaginal changes including leucorrhea ( white vaginal discharge present from day of pregnancy to day of delivery)

- Quickening – fetal movement

 Maternal perception of fetal movement occurring between 16 – 20 weeks of gestation (if indeed pregnant)

- Chadwick sign (either probable or presumptive) – blue-purple discoloration of the vagina 8 – 12 weeks

- Pigmentation

 Striae Gravidarum – stretch marks ;

- red / purple . pinkish streaks on the abdomen due to tearing of connective tissue

- will not disapper after pregnancy because they are ruptured connective tissues

 Chloasma / Melasma – mask of pregnancy

- on cheecks and bridge of nose; looks like freckles; disappears when woman has delivered

 Linea Nigra – straight line found on the abdomen, below navel down to pubis symphysis

II. Probable Signs – health professionals can now see signs and symptoms

- Uterine changes

• Chadwick’s sign

• Hegar’s sign – softening of the uterus

• Goodell’s sign – softening of the cervix

- Fetal Outline

- Pregnancy Test

• HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) – hormone produced by placenta; during fertilization, corpus luteum produce HCG. During implantation, the placenta produce HCG

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