Assessment of Maternal Wellbeing During Pregnancy

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 prenatal visits / check – up → for confirmation; missed menstrual period = usual reason

First Prenatal Visit

 occurs as soon as the woman thinks she might be pregnant

 the longest period


 to confirm or rule out pregnancy

 to ascertain risk factors

 to determine the due date (using Naegele's rule)

 to provide education on maintaining a healthy pregnancy


1. History – most important element

- written questionnaire or by face-to-face interview

Parts of History Taking:

a. Chief complaint → amenorrhea

b. Reproductive history → LMP, GTPAL (gravida, term, para, abortion, living children), menarche, length of menstrual cycle

c. Medical – surgical → ooectomy, breast augmentation, colicystectomy

d. Family History → hypertension, diabetes

e. Social History → occupation

2. Physical Examination – covers all body system

- head-to-toe examination

- vaginal speculum examination

> Papanicolaou Test / Pap Smear → for early detection of cervical cancer

3. Laboratory Assessment

 CBC → to determine hemoglobin level (if low – affect O2 of fetus)

 Blood Type and Antibody Screen

 Rubella Titer

 Urine Culture

 TB Screening → Purified Protein Derivative (PPD)

 Ultrasound

Subsequent Visits:

o Schedule


Number of Visits

01 – 32 - once/month

32 - 36 - 2x/month

36 - delivery - Every week

Include Specific Assessments:

 Weight → 3 -12 – 12 (to avoid striae gravidarum)

 BP

 Urine protein and glucose

 Fetal Heart Rate → ultrasound in 2nd trimester

 Danger signs of pregnancy

 Fetal movement

 Contractions → for cases of miscarriage in 1st trimester

 Membrane rupture

 Fundal Height

Danger Signs of Pregnancy

 Fevere or severe vomiting

 Severe or continuous headache

 Blurred vision or spots before the eyes

 Pain in the epigastric or abdominal area

 Sudden weight gain or sudden onset of edema

 Vaginal bleeding

 Painful urination

 Sudden gush or constant, uncontrollable leaking of fluid from the vagina

 Decreased fetal movement

Signs of Pre-term Labor

** Labor – series of events that end in the product of conception

 Uterine Contractions → regular, painful

 Lower, dull backache → due to crowning or engagement

 Pelvic pressure → engagement

 Menstrual-like cramps → uterine contractions

 Increase vaginal discharge → SHOW – bloody mucoid vaginal discharges; ROM

 A feeling that something is not right

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