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Beliefs: Medieval Arts - >fetus immobile, miniature creature

Leonardo da Vinci -> fetus is an integral part of mother that shares the same blood with her

Kaspar Wolff (1758) -> child share equal amount of chromosomes from both parents

Stages of Fetal Development:

1. Pre – embryonic Stage – from fertilization up to 2 weeks

2. Embryonic Stage – 2-8 weeks

3. Fetal Stage – 8weeks to birth

Terms used to denote fetal growth

Ovum – from ovulation to fertilization

Zygote – from fertilization to implantation

Embryo – 2-8 weeks

Fetus – 8weeks to birth

Conceptus – fetus and placental parts

Fertilization – the beginning of pregnancy

 union of ovum and spermatozoa

 conception, impregnation, fecundation

 ampulla

 72 hours

** functional life of sperm = 24 – 48 hours

Ovulation – ovum extruded from Graafian follicle

 ovum propelled in fallopian tube

 peristaltic action of the fallopian tube proples the ovum to the ampulla

 fertilization occurs 24 hours after ovulation


> 2 protective layers increase the bulk to facilitate migration to the uterus

 protects ovum against injury

Sperm - takes 80 seconds to reach cervix and 5 minutes to reach fallopian tube

After sex : elevate legs. Do not stand up for 5 minutes; put pilllow at the back to elevate legs to help sperm reach fallopian tube faster

Capacitation - final process that the sperm must undergo to be ready for fertilization

 starting from testes, the sperm already goes through capacitation + 64days for sperm to mature

Hyaluronidase – top of head of pserm contains hyaluronidase


Corona radiata

Zona pellucida

 proteolytic enzyme that acts to dissolve the layer of the cells protecting the ovum

Hydatidiform Mole → H – mole

 multiple sperm entering the ovum

 signs and symptoms same with pregnancy except for fetal heart beat

 considered cancer cells, so after D&C, client must have chemotherapeutic drug

Implantation – contact between the growing structure and the uterine endometrium

** Fertilization – pregnancy test + because of ovulation

Day 1 of pregnancy – fertilization

Day 2 of pregnancy – first cell division (zygote)

Day 3 of pregnancy – morula

Day 4 of pregnancy – blastocyst

Day 8 – 10 of pregnancy – implantation

** implantation occurs 8 – 10 days after fertilization: CRUCIAL!

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