Relieving the Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

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 Ankle edema → rest with your feet elevated

→ avoid prolonged standing

→ avoid restrictive garments in the lower half of your body

 Backache → apply local heat

→ avoid prolonged standing

→ stoop to pick up objects

→ Tylenol in usual adult dose may help

→ wear low – heeled shoes

→ maintain correct posture

→ tailor sitting, pelvic rocking and shoulder circling exercises and strengthen back

 Breast Tenderness → wear a supportive bra

→ decrease the amount of caffeine and carbonated beverages ingested

 Constipation → increase fiber in diet

→ drink additional fluids

→ have a regular time for bowel movements

 Difficulty sleeping → drink a warm caffeine-free drink before bed and practice relaxation techniques

 Fatigue → schedule rest periods daily; have a regular bedtime routine

→ use extra pillow for comfort

 Faintness → move slowly

→ avoid crowds

→ remain in a cool environment

→ lie on your left side when at rest

 Headache → avoid eye strain

→ visit your eye doctor

→ rest with a cool cloth on your forehead

→ take Tylenol in a regular adult dose, as needed

→ report frequent persistent headaches to your primary care provider

 Heartburn → eat small, frequent meals each day

→ avoid overeating, as well as spicy, fatty and fried foods

 Hemorrhoids → avoid constipation and straining with a bowel movement

→ take a sitz bath. Apply a witch hazel compress.

 Leg cramps → avoid pointing your toes

→ straighten your leg and dorsiflex your ankle

→ avoid crossing legs

 Nausea → eat 6 small meals/day rather than 3

→ eat a piece of dry toast or some crackers before getting out of bed

→ avoid foods or situations that worsen the nausea. If it persist, report this problem to your primary care provider.

→ drink fluids separately rather than with your meals

→ avoid fried, greasy, gas - producing, or spicy foods and foods with strong odors

 Nasal stuffiness → use cool air vaporizer or humidifier; increase fluid intake; place moist towel on the sinuses, and massage the sinuses

 Ptyalism → use mouthwash as needed

→ chew gum / suck on hard candy

 Round Ligament Pain → avoid twisting motions

→ rise to a standing position slowly and use your hands to support the abdomen

→ bend forward to relieve discomfort

 Shortness of breath → use proper posture

→ use pillows behind head and shoulders at night

 Urinary frequency → void as necessary at least every 2 hours

→ increase fluid intake

→ avoid caffeine

→ practice Kegel exercise (to prevent straining of muscles during labor and delivery)

 Vaginal discharge → wear cotton underwear

→ bathe daily

→ avoid tight pantyhose

 Varicose veins → walk regularly. Rest with feet elevated.

→ avoid prolonged standing

→ don’t cross your legs when sitting

→ avoid knee-high stockings; wear support hosiery

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