Sexual Response Cycle

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1. Excitement / Foreplay – longest phase

- both couples need to be aroused

- occurs with physical and psychologic stimulation that causes parasympathetic nerve stimulation

- this leads to arterial dilation and venous constriction in the genital area

- vasocongestion and increasing muscular tension

- in women, clitoris increases in size and mucoid fluid to appear on vaginal walls as lubrication

- the vagina widens in diameter and increases in length

- the breast nipples become erect. Reddening of the labia minora and vaginal wall occur

- in men, erction occurs; there is scrotal thickening and elevation of the testes

- in both sexes, there is an increase in heart rate and respiratory rate and blood pressure

2. Plateau – starting to escalate

- it is reached just before orgasm

- in women, clitoris is drawn forward and retracts under the clitoral prepuce; the lower part of the vagina becomes extremely congested and there is increased nipple engorgement.

- in men, the vasocongestion leads to full distention of the penis

- heart rate increases to 100 to 175bpm and respiratory rate to approximately 40cpm

3. Orgasm – peak of sexual response cycle

- occurs when stimulation proceeds through the plateau stage to a point at which the body suddenly discharges accumulated sexual tension

- vigorous contraction of muscles in the pelvic area expels / dissipates blood and fluid from the area of congestion

 start of ejaculation

- for women, the average number of contractions is from 8 – 15 at intervals of one every 0.8 seconds

- in men, muscle contractions surrounding the seminal vessels and prostate project semen into the proximal urethra. Theses contractions are followed immediately by 3 – 7 propulsive ejaculatory contractions, occurring at the same time interval as in women which force semen from the penis.

- As the shortest stage in the sexual response cycle, orgasm is usually experienced as intense pleasure affecting the whole body, not just the pelvic area

- It is also highly personal experience; descriptions vary greatly from person to person

4. Resolution – internal and external genital organs return to an unaroused state (organs go back to normal size)

- Refractory period -> women do not have refractory period; they can have sex again after orgasmic phase

-> but men cant have another erection because they have refractory period

-> only after 30mins could men have sex again and have an erection; men cant have erection after orgasmic phase

- For both men and women, this period generally takes 30 minutes

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