Markers in Fetal Development

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**milestones of fetal development

4 weeks

 embryo is 4 – 5 mm in length

 trophoblasts embedded in decidua

 foundations for nervous system, genitourinary system, skin, bones and lungs are formed

 rudiments of eyes, ears and nose appear

5 – 8 weeks

 fetus is 27 – 31mm in length and weighs 2 – 4gms

 fetus is markedly bent

 head is disproportionately large as a result of brain development

 sex differentiation begins

 centers of bone begin to ossify

9 – 12 weeks

 fetus average length is 50 – 87mm and weighs 45 gms

 fingers and toes are distinct

 placenta is complete

 rudimentary kidneys secrete urine

 fetal circulation is complete

 external genitalia show definite characteristics

13 – 16 weeks

 fetus is 94 – 140mm in length and weighs 97 – 200gms

 head is erect

 lower limbs are well – developed

 coordinated limb movements are present

 heart beat is present

 lanugo develops

 nasal septum and palate close

 fingerprints are set

17 – 20 weeks

 fetus is 150 – 190mm in length and weighs approximately 260 – 460 gms

 lanugo covers entire body

 eyebrows and scalp hair is present

 heart sounds are perceptible by auscultation

 vernix caseosa cover skin

21 – 25 weeks

 fetus is about 200 – 240mm in length and weighs 495 – 910 gms

 skin appears wrinkled and pink to red

 REM begins

 eyebrow and fingernails develop

 sustained weight gain occurs

26 – 29 weeks

 fetus is 250 – 275mm in length and weighs 910 – 1500 gms

 skin is red

 rhythmic breathing occurs

 pupillary membrane disappears from eyes

 the fetus often survives if born prematurely

30 – 34 weeks

 fetus is 280 – 320mm in length and weighs 1700 – 2500 gms

 toenails become visible

 steady weight gain occurs

 vigorous fetal movement occurs

35 – 37 weeks

 fetus average length is 330 – 360mm and weighs 2700 – 3400 gms

 face and body have a loose, wrinkled appearance because of subcutaneous fat deposit

 body is usually plump

 lanugo disappears

 nails reach fingertip edge

 amniotic fluid decreases

38 – 40 weeks (full term)

 average fetus is 360mm in length and weighs 3400 – 3600 gms

 skin is smooth

 chest is prominent

 eyes are uniformly slate colored

 bones of skull are ossified and nearly together at sutures

 testes are in scrotum

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