6 (Alois' POV)

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I knew Ciel's eyes were following the movements of my hips. It was cute how he wouldn't admit to it, though.

"I was staring at the floor!" He huffed.

"The floor isn't above my knees and below my waist, Phantomhive." I countered, turning on my heels with crossed arms.

His face went red. "Well, you must have mistaken where I was looking; my eyes were clearly fixed on the floorboards."

"Why do you insist on lying to me?"

"I am doing nothing of the sort.."





"Lies, Ciel."

"No, Trancy."

"Fine," I wrinkle my nose, picking the duffle bag off of the floor, "I'll just make sure I catch you in the act next time."

"There will not be a next time since there was never a first to begin with." The bluenette flashed his signature smirk, brushing past me on his way down the stairs.

"Cocky, are we?" I asked, heading after him.

"Possibly," Ciel stated simply.

Suddenly, Hannah's voice rang out within the room. "Alois! Lord Ciel! Dinner is prepared!"

"Well, shall we?" I extended my arm, moving it a bit to show him that I wanted his arm to link with mine.
Although, the bluenette ignored me, heading off on his own into the dining area.
"That was also rude!" Calling after him, I quickly wrap one arm around his lower waist, causing the smaller boys side to press against mine.
'Screw being mature for now.'

Ciel squeaked in surprise. "A-Alois! What the hell?!"

"What?" I pouted, "you were walking away without me. What if you got lost?"

"The dining area is right there!" He pointed directly to the room beside us.

"Well, you might not have seen it if I didn't stop you, so~." Grinning, I release my grip on his side before sashaying over to the table.
The bluenette followed behind after a second, his eyes clearly on my movements.
'Oh, dear Ciel, why won't you admit it?'

Once the two of us sat down, Hannah and Sebastian entered the room with a silver cart.
"For dinner, we will be having a roast with mashed potatoes and salad. Accompanied by a chocolate cake for dessert." The raven haired Butler announced. He then set a plate in front of Ciel and I. Hannah also poured tea for us. Rose tea for me, and I assumed Earl Grey for Ciel.
"Thank you." The bluenette and I nodded to them before beginning our meal.

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