5 (Ciel's POV)

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'He is too cute...why is he so cute?? Why do I think he's cute?? Why am I thinking so much? Ciel, shut up!' Shaking my head, I attempt to dismiss the thoughts as Alois lead me up to his room. He opened the door, and my eyes immediately widen.
Alois' bedroom was decorated from top to bottom with posters and merchandise.

"Sorry, I've been caught up in all of the new things this century has to offer." The blonde chuckled nervously, opening his closet doors.
I continued to walk around the room, glancing about at the pictures on his wall.

"Who is Brendon...Urie?" I tilted my head to the side.
"He sings in a band called Panic! at the Disco. I'll have to force you to listen to the entire Death of a Bachelor album." Alois responded with an excited tone while stuffing clothes into a duffle bag.

"Alright. And who is the character on your pillow case?" I felt bad for asking so many questions, but I was curious.

"Oh, that's Yato from this amazing anime called Noragami." The blonde replied, zipping up the bag.

"Anime? Those animated cartoon things?"
"You honestly don't know what any of this is?"
"...is that bad?"
"No. Unless you've been living under a rock," Alois giggled, "I really need to catch you up with today's culture. I've only been back for a few weeks, unlike you who has seen this century change."

Crossing my arms, I scoff. "I just don't see the point in getting caught up with all of this. It'll be gone in another ten years regardless."

"Aw, don't look at it so negatively. This century has to be my favourite, counter to the one we were born into; so I'm going to enjoy it now that I'm here." With that, the blonde slung the large bag over his shoulder, an even larger grin plastered on his face.
'Too cute..!' I squealed inside my mind, simply shrugging on the outside. "I suppose I see where your point is coming from."

"Exactly~!" He chirped, heading over to the door, "Come on, the meal should be prepared by now."
Trailing behind Alois, I couldn't help but watch his hips as they swayed down the hall. He always would walk in a manor different than anyone I've known. His walk was more of a...strut that could capture the attention of anyone.
And I seem to be today's victim.

"Staring is rude, Phantomhive." The blonde peered at me over his shoulder, a barley noticeable smirk plastered on his lips.
"I-I wasn't staring at anything..!!" My voice stuttered and my body tensed.

"Oh, sure you weren't. Lying is also just as rude, Ciel~."

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