"Let see how long it takes for Bats to find you, shall we?" Joker asked, his face was marred with scars, yet that wasn't what terrified even the bravest hearts. His smile.

His smile always scarred each person, along with the crazed light in his eyes, it was hard for anyone to keep calm in his mere presence. 

She didn't try to hide her own presence, she knew it would be futile.

He picked up the crowbar. Barbara wanted to shut her eyes, to silence the upcoming screams. Yet at that moment her body froze, leaving her to stare at Jason straight in the eyes.

The sounds of each hit echoed in her mind, already the image had renewed itself. A gurgling sound emitted from
Jason's lips. Blood poured over his teeth and mouth. He tried to breathe, yet blood had managed to close off. He grunted as a punch hit his chest.

"No screams? Guess I'll have to work on that..." Joker eyed Jason, the crazed look in his eyes growing.

He grabbed a branding rod, at the sight Barbara began to tear up.

"We can't let the dog leave without making sure the dog is shown as ours." He said chuckling at his own words.

Jason squirmed in the chair, trying to escape. Barbara shut her eyes, just as the rod landed on his thigh. His screams filled the air, forever etched in Barbara's mind.

The scene changed finally. She stood as she saw Tim dangling from the ropes tied to his hands. His hair covering his face.

The Joker walked in holding a metal bat. Again Barbara stood helpless. She could barely find any strength to watch.

The bat broke his ribs, his arms, his legs, nearly everything. Yet Tim held on to his life, fighting against Joker's cruel games. He spat a bit of blood onto the ground, a stain nearly in the grotesque form of a bat. The irony only wanted to wedge its way into Barbara's throat.

"Amazing, you really did train this one better then the last! Jason was nothing compared to this one." He spoke to the camera recording the scene. He gave his signature smile before turning to Tim again. He grabbed hold of his neck, tying a rope around it. Barbara desperately wanted to close her eyes, watching a kid being hanged was something she didn't want to see, Joker pulled the other side of the rope, and Barbara watched as Tim's life was snatched away from him.

Her heart nearly tore at the sight of him, the reddened bat symbol on the ground taunted her slightly. She was Batgirl, she should've done something!

The scene changed again, this time Bruce. His cowl missing, his classic wolf glare trained on the green-haired clown in front of him. He was chained down on his knees, his wrist were chained, but when he tired to lunge at the clown, the chains would remind him of the footage between. Even from the distance, Barbara could see just how bruised and battered Bruce actually was. His lip was torn, he was sporting a black eye, and his labored breathing helped her connect the dots and find that he had a few broken ribs. Barbara walked forward, and this would be the part she would hate.

The Joker would turn and see her, hidden in the shadows. Bruce would see her too, his eyes widening as he took her appearance. Her matted red-hair that was stained with blood. How pale she looked. Then Joker would hand her the gun, like always, expecting her to shoot her own mentor.

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