"Mr. Foster, focus," Mr. Ward said. This was new. I bet he was going to want to see us after class. "This doesn't pertain to the lesson." And he grinned.

"Sorry professor, my mistake," Caleb said. He massaged my shoulder and kissed the back of my neck in front of everyone. I shivered and smiled at the same time. When I turned my head, I saw a wide-eyed Olivia staring back at me. This wasn't good. She knew one thing for sure.

That I was sleeping with the boy she ever loved. I saw the river of tears falling down her cheeks. She just lost her prince and was in a terrible state at the moment. That girl left the classroom in a hurry, anger radiating from her.

This was it.

Everyone at school knew Caleb and I was dating. Carolyn was shocked to find out that someone like me was dating the most amazing jock ever.

"Have you fucked him?" Carolyn asked during lunch break. Everything was kind of off that day though. Olivia and friends were not in the cafeteria, Carolyn seemed taken aback and Caleb and company were talking very loud, my name coming out of their mouths. I didn't understand why they cared so much about me sleeping with Caleb. This was private.

"Um yeah," I said.

"It is weird that you got a chance with him." She stabbed her fork against a pea and avoided eye contact with me. "I don't want to talk to you anymore Evelyn. You should find yourself some other friend." Wow. Such a backstabbing jealous bitch.

"Whatever Carolyn," I said, impatiently. "You've been fake anyway. At least I have two friends back home that are genuine. I don't need you and your jealous attitude. You're pissed off because you wanted him."

She rolled her teary eyes. "Bye, now slut. I hope he dumps you soon. One more thing. I don't want you to visit my father's restaurant anymore." I was too dizzy and too disoriented to stay inside the cafeteria. Caleb was liked by many girls. That I knew about but not to this extent. I just lost a girl I thought was my best friend. Could things get any worse?

I got up and eyed Caleb. He smiled softly and walked toward me. "I need to use the restroom," I said.

"Okay," he whispered. He moved his hand through his side-swept hair and kissed my lips quickly. Awe his buddies were behaving badly because of that. Jesus, teenage boys.

Olivia and company cornered me inside a restroom. One of them locked the door and stayed where she was while I tried to figure out what they were going to do with me. Olivia twisted her dark hair while she chewed gum. The cheer outfit she had upon her slim body earlier today was replaced with jeans and a green long-sleeved turtleneck.

"How was the sex?" Her friend Amber started. This one was a troublemaker and I hadn't heard a lot of good things about her. She was a huge slut around there.

"I should leave."

"You're not going anywhere," Olivia said out loud. She took out a huge white realistic dildo from her purse. "I thought you should have that since you're obsessed with big white cocks." Her gang laughed as if this was appropriate. I wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Amber pulled my phone from my hand and hit it down on the ground. Oh no. I tried to pick it up but two of the girls restrained me. "Whore," Amber yelled. "Accept the dildo."

Olivia stretched out her hand to hand it to me. I never accepted it. Like eww. I didn't want to know where that thing was.

"Maybe you should shove it down her throat." The girl who said that was a girl named Ina. She was another troublesome person. "I wondered if she can deep throat Caleb's penis." I opened my eyes wide. What was wrong with these girls? Have I heard that right?

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