60. "Danger Zone"

Start from the beginning

I need to truly focus on the one thing I haven't been able to sleep over. The one thing that is already long overdue.

I needed to focus on my father. Nothing but my father and the justice he deserves.

And as for Austin and I, as much as I wish it weren't a reality. It was evident more now than ever, that a gap was forming between him and I and I am too afraid it is one that can't be filled.

"It's fine. You're fine." I shrugged it off. "Austin, the last thing I'm worried about is you and I."

My words struck in way too quickly before I actually had any time to even process them. But it was too late and I was afraid it already caused more damaged between whatever we have, if we even have anything now.

The hurt in his eyes did pain me, he looked down though, so I wouldn't notice every secret his eyes were giving away.

A low raspy chuckle escaped his lips as his eyes glanced down before he shot them back up towards me. "Ouch?" he said in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah, don't hold back Mia, keep those shots coming. I don't mind at all."

His laughter continued. "I'm kidding. It's fine, I get it. Your focus is on something else now, it's good."

And one thing I always admired is how good he was at masking his emotions, even when I was still able to see through them. It could be almost believable how good he's playing it off to not be hurt and look straight into my eyes.

He stood up from his bed and headed towards the light switch, illuminating the room entirely. Everything was so visible now and the plan as always, back in motion.

"Alright so, talking business-- I did what you asked. I got rid of most of the supplies this week, hardly any left. Riley will notice in a few days if it goes as how we planned." Austin checked from hid notepad he had gotten under his mattress less than a few minutes ago.

"Most? What do you mean
most? The plan was all. Not most." my brows furrowed together almost feeling the rage inside my body starting to build itself up.

"I know. But if I have gotten rid of all, he would've eventually figured it out. Everything. Its too obvious and too risky to have supplies coming in every week and then one week have none." He spoke, a serious tone in his voice.

"It has to slow down a bit, little by little the supplies will become less before eventually stopping."

"--That sets us back some time. Time we could be using to move forward."

"Listen Mia, stop being so fucking hard headed. Your way is too risky, I'm telling you. We will get caught. Is that what you want?" Austin threw his notepad onto the bed, with furrowed brows as he places his sight on me.

"Hm? Are you going to answer? Is that what you want? To get caught?" he hissed as his tone grew a bit louder and in that second I knew he was beginning to get a tad bit angry.

I shook my head. "No Austin, that's not what I want."

"Okay so then listen to me, Mia. I'm never wrong about this type of shit, okay? It truly has happened before in business so to Riley, this type of bullshit is a regular slow supply restocking day. Nothing out of the ordinary. We're too deep in to fuck anything up now, its been building up for weeks--"

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