"Lava?" Sire asked to catch my attention as we walked to his computer.

"Hmm?" I responded.

"I am going to start that research now. Why don't you go see what the other children are doing." He suggested. I shook my head.

"Can you and I do something please. Do you have to go back to you computers right now?" I asked

"I have a lot more work I need to do Lava I cannot just disregard my duties." He replied scoldingly. I wilted slightly and ducked my head.

"O-ok." I tried to hide my disappointment. "I'll go see if the others are doing anything." I slid off his servo once it was fully lowered to the ground and trudged up the stairs into the human area. I looked around the area and saw that no one was there. I sighed when I realized they were all probably out with their guardians. I glanced over at Sire, who was absorbed in his work again and frowned slightly. I turned and walked over to couch before sitting on it. I contemplated finding the remote and seeing if anything was on the TV, but decided against it. I didn't want to annoy any of the bots with the noise it might cause.I walked over to the couch and sat down pulling my knees up underneath me. I rested my elbow on the armrest and propped my chin on my hand staring at the TV trying to decide what to do now.

I was spacing out when I heard a loud screeching noise. I curled up and covered my ears with my hands. It soon stopped and I looked around.

"What was that?" I mumbled. I stood up and ran over to by Sire's computer. "Are you alright Sire?"

"Hm? Oh fine. Fine. Just some feedback. All is well." He muttered while typing on his computer. I then nodded slightly and walked back to the couch dragging my feet slightly. I sat down and sighed. I stared at the wall a ways in front of me spacing out.

"Lava." Sires stern voice snapped me out of trance after a few minutes.

"Huh- What?" I responded stupidly. Looking over at Sire. Sire rolled his optics slightly.

"Come here. I have something I need to show you". I nodded at stood up before making my way over to him. He offered me his servo in a silent command to get on, which I obeyed. He the turned and started walking back down the hallways toward the berthrooms. I looked up at him curiously, my eyebrow raised.

"Sire, Where are we going?"

"Don't ask questions. Just wait and see." Was his blunt response. I sat down, frowning slightly, while he continued walking down the hallway.
he eventually walked into a small training room that the other bots don't use often at all. I looked around confused.

"What are we doing in here?" I asked looking up at Sire's faceplate, my eyebrow raised.

"Well" Sire started shifting his weight from one ped to another. Then paused with a sigh. " You see Lava after the incident. I..." He paused again, a pained look on his face. I placed my hand on one of his digits and rubbed it to provide some comfort. He took a deep vent. "I realized that, because of the size difference between us Cybertronians and you humans, when you humans get hurt in anyway. I am simply too large to treat you. So I decided to look into an old incomplete experiment and... I succeeded." I looked up at him even more confused then I was previously.

"Wait... what? Are you saying you found out how to make, like a shrink ray or something?"

"No no no. Nothing like that. It's more like... Well I think it would be better to show you." Sire lowered his servo to the ground and I slid onto the ground. I then turned around and looked up at him curiously and excited, yet slightly scared. Sire sighed again then transformed into his vehicle mode. I tilted my head to the side confused about what he was doing, but remained silent waiting for him to show me. I then heard a staticy noise before the driver side door of his alt opened. My eyes widened in shock as a human figure stepped out.

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