Chapter Eleven

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Chapters are going to be out once a day until this is finished :)

Johnnies P.O.V

Kyle wasn't allowed to be discharged from the hospital until tomorrow so I decided to set out and find who planted all the evidence of my cheating on Kyle in our room. I for sure didn't do it. I love Kyle. I would never do that to someone as sweet as him. I drove to the dorm and slowly walked to the dorm. I looked at the inside out joggers on the floor and the used condom in the waste basket. Who would do this? I can't think of anyone that would jeapordize our relationship like that. We have no enemies that I know of. Then it hit me.

Shannon. Of course. She's been trying to get with Kyle since high school, it's definitely her. I stormed down to her dorm room and knocked on it until she answered with a tired look on her face. She was wearing glasses and to be honest looked like crap. She probably just woke up or something. She looked at me expectantly.

"I know what you did to me and Kyle." I said trying to stay as calm as possible.

"And..what did I do exactly?" She asked confused but I knew it was a façade.

"You know what you did fucking bitch,"

"Woah woah woah, you don't need to get feisty dude. Tell me what happened." I sighed.

"You planted stuff in our dorm to make it look like I was cheating on Kyle!" I exclaimed like it was obvious because she obviously did it.

"Wait, hold on. You think I did that?!"


"Well I didn't but if you want I can help you figure out who did it," she offered.

"How do I know you didn't do it?" I questioned. She then opened the door further and revealed a sleeping man in her bed with no shirt on which I recognized as Tyler. Kyles best friend. I raised my hands up in defense.

"Ok we are all good," I chuckled, "meet me tomorrow at noon at my dorm."

She nodded and smiled and then shut the door when I headed off. Meanwhile, I went back to the hospital to see Kyle. I zoomed past all the cars on the way there until I pulled into the parking garage and to the small parking space which I have recently claimed as mine the last few days. I walked in and greeted all the nurses. I've been here 24/7 for 3 days so they don't even question or ask for I.D anymore. I walked to the door of his room but the nurse stopped me.

"You can't go in there right now, sir," she said worriedly.

"What? Why? My boyfriends in there, what's going on?" A tear streamed down my cheek.

"We don't exactly know what happened we are trying our best to figure it out but we are currently trying to revive him. I'm sorry but it's not looking good," she explained sadly.

"No you have to let me in there. Please," I begged.

"I can't let you do that, I'm really sorry," I didn't even care about her apologies and the moment. I rushed in past her and stood there frozen as I watched Kyle get tazed by the AEDs. I started crying loudly and the same nurse that explained everything pulled me out.

"H-He was fine when I left, i don't understand." I sobbed into my sweatshirt. "I know sweetie. Just wait it out. Hopefully it will be ok," her walkie talkie buzzed. She picked it up and held it to her ear. All I could really hear was buzzing.

"Ok thanks," she replied. She put her hand on my knee sweetly.

"He's going to be ok. They still don't really know what happened but he's alive." She said.

"Can I go talk to him?" I asked.

"I'm sorry to break it to you but he's in a coma. You are welcome to go try and wake him up though," I nodded sadly and headed back to the room. The room was empty of doctors and Kyle was there with a bunch of tubes stuck to him and his eyes were closed. If I didn't see his slow steady breaths I would have thought he was dead. I cried into my hands softly. I quickly took my shaking hand into his limp one.

"I love you so fucking much Kyle,"

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