Chapter Six

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Kyles P.O.V

Its been a week and me or johnnie haven't made a move to talk about what happened. We are still friends, we talk, we eat breakfast together. But nothing even close to last week has been mentioned and it's killing me. I just want to say to him that everything will be ok and I just want to get back together with him but I'm terrified he will say no. I do want to mention how skinny he was though. I didn't mention it when we were, you know, because I didn't want to ruin it.

"Kyle what's wrong?" Johnnie asked from the seat in front of me. I looked straight ahead at him and scanned his body but didn't say anything.

"Kyle!" He said a little more loudly because I was in a daze.

"Why have you lost so much weight?" I questioned as I looked down and stirred my coffee with the straw. He sighed but thankfully didn't get up.

"Not yet," he told me. I nodded in understanding. He would tell me when he was ready. Right?

"One more thing," he nodded telling me to keep going. "Last week. Are we going anywhere? Or in the future will we go anywhere?"

"Do you want to go anywhere?" He asked. Duh.

"Yes," I mumbled.

"Then maybe we can try to have a relationship. Soon though, not now. I just got out of a relationship," he informed me. I was disappointed but what else could I say. I don't want to push him farther then he wants to go.

I nodded then got up to throw my empty coffee cup away.


Later that day I decided to just go walking alone around the dorms. Just to think about things. I found myself doing that often. Just thinking. It was peaceful almost. There was nobody in the dorms and if they were they were so quiet I couldn't hear them. I was about to head back when I heard that annoying voice that I couldn't stand. Shannon. Honestly before Shannon was all over me I liked her. As a friend of course. But then she turned into a complete bitch and i think she has slept with like every guy in high school except me for obvious reasons.

She finally caught up to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey Kyle," she said smiling.

"Hey Shannon," I mumbled.

"So I got a tattoo," she told me proudly. She then lifted up her shorts and showed me a fairly big tattoo on her leg.

"That'," I said with a fake smile just trying to get back to my dorm.

"Ya a friend of mine did it for cheap. I bet she would give one to you too since you know me," she explained.

"Well how about you go call her up and ask and ill be in my dorm," I told her treating her like a 5 year old.

"Um ok," she mumbled and then skipped away to call her friend. At the moment I just wanted to get rid of her but I think a tattoo would be pretty cool to have. Like Johnnie got a few tattoos so did Shannon maybe I should too.

I finally arrived at my door and slipped in. Johnnie was there but he was yelling and crying. I walked in further and saw Bobby. It wouldn't of been THAT bad to see him but the problem was Bobby was beating the crap out of a shirtless Johnnie. I was zoned out. I didn't even make a move to go help. Why wouldn't Johnnie tell me that Bobby was abusive? Or was this a first time thing?

I finally came back to my senses and punched Bobby in the nose causing him to fall back into the bed. I then pushed him out of our room and locked it. Johnnie was quiet all I could hear were his sobs. I didnt really know what to do in that type of situation so I just went and sat on my bad and started drawing out what I wanted for a tattoo. But then he said something that broke my heart.

"I deserved that," he sobbed under his breath. I looked up.

"No you don't," I told him as concern laced my voice.

"Yes I do," he planted his face into his pillow.

"Nobody deserves that," I told him softly and walked up to him and sat on the foot of his bed.

"E-everything he told me is true. I'm fat and ugly and the only person that could ever actually love me is him!" He cried.

"I love you,"

"No you don't, Kyle,"

"I do," I assured him but he stayed quiet. "Why would you believe what he says?" He just kept crying.

"For one you are not fat. You way like..nothing. Two you are definitely not ugly. You are hot as hell and you are perfect."

"Thanks," he cried but I could barely make it out because of his cries.

"Why am I telling you this? You are the one that made my life horrible. If you wouldn't have left then I would still most likely be happy," he sobbed.

"I didn't want to leave,"

"But you did," he said.

"I can make it up to you now." I told him.


"Be my boyfriend again?" I asked hopefully.

"I want to. I really do. But I can't trust you,"

"Then give me a chance to let me build up your trust," I said.


"Wait. Really?"

"Yes I'll give you a chance," he said.

I pulled him closer and pressed my lips to his in a sweet kiss but not going any farther then that just a kiss.

"I love you," I told him.

He just stayed quiet but shyly looked down while smiling. I pressed my lips back to his and that's what we did for the next half an hour or so. Just laid down on the bed. No words spoken.

Safe with you (Sequel to Sexy Seventeen)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz