Chapter Ten

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A/N: early update. Cuz this is early I won't update on Monday.

Johnnies P.O.V

The machines were driving me insane. It's been 2 days and all I heard was the faint beeping of a machine. Apparently Kyle cut a vein in his wrist. They gave him medication to make him stay asleep but they stopped giving it to him today so he should have been awake by now or if not now extremely soon. I looked over at Kyles unconscious body and figured that it would be awhile until he woke up so I finally got out of that hospital room. Instead of the stupid machines I heard actual noises of birds, cars, trains, other people. You would think it wouldn't be bad staying in a hospital room for 2 days without coming out but it is. It's extremely different than being stuck in your own home. Or even someone else's home for that matter.

I took a deep breath and thought about what had happened a couple of days earlier. I didn't have sex with anyone and I haven't seen Bobby since we broke up so who could be behind this and how could I get Kyle to believe me once he wakes up? I tried to think of possible people but nobody came to mind. There was of course people that could have done it but I couldn't think of anyone that could have a reason to.

Maybe Shannon? She has always kinda liked Kyle but I don't think she would stoop that low. She is definitely added to my list though. I sighed and walked back into the hospital building and back to Kyles room. He was still asleep but he was moving around a little bit more which was a good sign. I decided to go get something from the vending machine.


When I got back Kyle was awake but just staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey how are you feeling?" I asked him calmly trying to not bring up what happened the other day.

"Fine physically. Horrible Mentally" he stated simply. I stayed quiet cause I felt guilty even though I didn't do anything.

"I know you don't believe me but I swear I didn't do anything. I love you Kyle I wouldn't hurt you like that," He didnt say anything but just rolled over.

"I need to think." He told me before falling back to sleep. I nodded and went back outside. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Bobbys number. Something that I never thought I would do again. But I did to fix my relationship with Kyle. The phone picked up.

"Hey Johnnie" he said happily. He wanted to stay friends but I wanted nothing to do with him.

"Hey Bobby. If you want to stay friends then come over right now and do me a favor. I'm at Holy Family hospital." He said okay and then hung up. I waited for what seemed like forever but his familiar gogomobile pulled up. He walked out of his car. I didn't say anything I just led him to Kyles hospital bed.

"I'm going to wake him up. You tell him you didn't have sex with me and I haven't seen you since the day you went to jail," I instructed. He nodded even though it was a lie. I went to see him the day he got out which was a few weeks ago. I do still love him but it wasn't meant to be. I shook Kyle awake he groaned a small "what". I looked at Bobby expectantly.

"I did not sleep with Johnnie not have I seen Johnnie since I went to jail. I even have my own boyfriend now. Don't get me wrong I love Johnnie as a friend but I want nothing to do with him. He is all yours" Bobby explained. Kyle was quiet. He probably wanted Bobby to leave before we talked. I walked Bobby out and closed the door to the room so Kyle wouldn't hear our conversation.

"Thanks for doing that," I told him.

"No problem. How long have you guys been together?" He questioned.

"About 5 months but we have known each other since high school,"

"You should marry him," he said happily.

"Um..what?" I asked shocked. For one I don't think me nor Kyle were ready for that and two, my EX boyfriend was telling me this.

"You should marry him. You don't want to lose him again, do you?"

"Well no b-"

"Just think about it," he interrupted. I nodded and we exchanged a hug and left. Could I even be the one to propose to Kyle? No. He should be the one to do it. I walked back into the room and sat down and sighed.

"You okay?" Kyle asked. I zoned him out.

"Johnnie," he yelled.

"Hmm what?" I said.

"Are you okay?" He asked once more.

"Um ya. I think so." I replied.

"I love you too Johnnie," he told me. I smiled and stood up and pecked his lips but sat back down, conflicted.

Safe with you (Sequel to Sexy Seventeen)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu