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4 years later Kyles P.O.V this is short but it's an epilogue it's supposed to be

"Hey guys it's Kyle and I'm here with Johnnie. Like that's a surprise," I chuckled. But we're making this video to introduce you to Elliot." I brought our second little one up to the camera. "Say hi Elli," Johnnie said in his sweet tone. She just mumbled little gibberish.

"London! Come say hi!" I yelled and London came running out of her room almost tripping on her own two feet. London is 3 and Elliot is 2 weeks. They are biological siblings that we adopted. We adopted London from a nice woman named Kate and then she asked us if we wanted to adopt Elliot so the two could be together and we agreed. We are in love with our two girls. London sat on johnnies lap and I held a sleeping little Elliot.

"Hi you guys my name is London and you should definitely subscribe to my daddies," I laughed at that.

"Hashtag shameless self promo" London looked at me confused but ran back to her room, probably to play with her stuffed animals. I stuck a bottle in Elliot's mouth.

"Anyways guys thanks for watching this short little update. See you next week. Bye Kyeforce." I shut the camera lense and leaned back into the softness of the couch while I fed Elli. Johnnie plopped down next to me and leaned his head into the crook of my neck while he held London.

"You're doing great Kyle," he whispered softly into my ear.

"Great at what?" I wondered.

"Being a dad, being a great husband, being a great best friend," he assured.

"Same to you," I glanced at his tired figure, "why don't you go get some sleep and I'll take care of the girls for a couple of hours?" He nodded and put a passed out London on my lap. I don't know how he gets these kids to fall asleep but he's amazing at it.

"Love you El, Love you Lon," Elli opened her beautiful blue eyes and made a small sound which I awed at.

"You two don't even know how much you mean to me," I brought both of their heads up to my mouth and kissed their forehead. I leaned back onto the soft couch and drifted off to sleep. Happy. Life couldn't get any better than it was right at this very moment. I had Johnnie plus two gorgeous little girls.

Safe with you (Sequel to Sexy Seventeen)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt