Chapter 32 - Surprise Bonus Chapter

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This is just a quick, short, UPDATED (13/10/13) random chapter. Just to give you a final extra shot of BelleXJack awesomeness. Love you all!! :D


So it's been seven years since I became Cupid. I'm only 17 in body, but I'm really 25. Jack and I got married about four years ago and everyone was there, including Pitch, Seraphina, the Guardians and my family, including Aunt Sophie and her family. It was so perfect. I had the beautiful big white dress, the cake, the dancing, the rings, everything!
Due to the closest thing we have to magic, late the year before last, to our surprise, I fell pregnant. Nine months later we had a beautiful baby girl to add to the family. We named her Nadia, meaning hope. A year on, she is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen, with her fathers bright blue eyes and nose, and my brown hair and plump pink lips with rosy cheeks. Childbirth, let me tell you, is not fun. Painful as hell. But I would do it all over again if it would give me another beautiful child like Nadia. We plan on it too. (I didn't know, obviously, that two and a half years after Nadia, we would have twins, Aaron and Mei.) Jack and I live in a cabin in the snowy mountains of Canada with our baby. Here, we don't have to worry about humans or anyone interrupting us. It's a short flight to see North if we want to. The flight to see my family is also not very long. It's peaceful up here and we're happy.
"Belle! Quickly! Come here!" I heard Jack call. So I dropped my diary and ran over to him in our logged living room.
"What is... Oh my goodness!" I froze and knelt before my daughter. She was standing! About to walk!
"Go to mummy!" Jack gestured. She looked at him with those big blue eyes for a moment before looking at me. I outstretched my arms in welcome and she went to take her first step.
"That's it!" I smiled, watching her feet ever so cautiously. Every now and then her focus would turn to the floor with curiosity, then to me with a smile. She stumbled but regained her balance. Then she hobbled over to me and I swooped her up into my arms.
"Good girl!" I smiled, swinging her around. She giggled that adorable laugh babies do when they're happy. Nadia really was beautiful. Jack stood and walked over. I stopped and shot him a smile.
"She did it!" Jack kissed Nadia's forehead before giving me a kiss.
"Dada!" Nadia suddenly spoke. We gasped. Her first word!
"Did she just say dada?!" Jack asked, taken aback with surprise.
"Yes! Yes she did!" I laughed, excited and happy beyond comprehension.
"She said it... HaHA!" Jack chuckled in surprise and joy before picking me up and swinging me around, Nadia still in my arms.
"My beautiful girls," he said, placing us back down. I smiled and he wrapped his arm around my waist. For a while we both stared at Nadia as she played with loose strands of my hair. So innocent and peaceful.
"You know, we've got the wind to thank for us being here now. I'm glad it blew off your beanie," Jack explained.
"I'm glad too," I smiled kissing him again. Suddenly I realised something.
"But who controls the wind?" I asked.
"Mother Nature I guess." Jack looked at me shocked. It was Seraphina. Seraphina had done everything. She had been the wind on that day. The wind that made my father sick and unable to go shopping. The wind that nudged me over, falling, and feeling that strange drop and tingle in my stomach when phasing through Jack. The wind that pushed my beanie off my head. The wind that brought Jack to me. She had planned it all. Every little detail. I couldn't help but feel extremely thankful, obviously.
There was some silence as Jack smiled at me, realising the same thing I had.
"Can you hear that?" I listened and could not hear anything besides Nadia's little giggle.
"No... what is it?"
"Silence... There's no Pitch chasing after us. There's no manic Tooth Fairies fangirl-ing over me. No avalanches..." For a moment he drifted off in thought before quickly composing himself.
"We're together now," he eventually said.
"And forever," I added. He squeezed my shoulders and kissed my forehead so tenderly, it reminded me of our first hug after my resurrection, all those years ago.

Jack brushed a loose strand of hair out of Nadia's face. She giggled in response and held her fathers pinky in her tiny, delicate hand. She stared at it like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.
Meanwhile, in my room sat a single white rose with a frosted floral patterned vase. It's smaller sister sat around my neck always, on a chain, frosted to preserve it.
The symbol of our love. The symbol of our family.
The symbol of our future.

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