Chapter 11 - The Shadow's Grip

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Belle's POV

"We need to go to my house! Please!" I begged. Ciara was in danger. Considering what Pitch had put me through, I couldn't stand to think of what he might put my little sister through.

"I'll go get snow globe!" North declared running off towards where the elevator was. My hands shook in fists.

"It's night at home. Ciara's sleeping! He could hurt her!" I yelled. I was terrified of what Pitch would do to her. My little sister. She's so young.

"If he hurts her... I'll... I'll..." Well, there wasn't really anything I could do. This is me fighting the Boogie Man we're talking about here. Then arms wrapped around my shoulders and a cold body held me close.

"Jack..." I mumbled through tears into his shoulder.

"Shh... We'll find her. I promise."

"You also promised my dad I wouldn't get hurt Jack. Look how that turned out..." I said, pushing off him and taking a few steps back.


"My dad's never convinced of anything unless someone promises I'm safe. I can't go to the movies with my sister unless I promise him we'll be safe and I'll protect her. I can't walk out of the house unless I promise him I'm not taking any alleyway shortcuts or anything. Bringing me here was obviously your idea, considering how I got those strange feelings in my stomach and chest and how you talked to me. You were there that day. You broke a promise Jack. How am I supposed to be sure you'll keep this one?" I said, turning away from everyone. There was just silence as everyone let what I had said sink in.

"You figured all that out?" Bunny asked. I just nodded slowly. I crossed my arms and held them close to my chest as my vision blurred. I couldn't risk losing Ciara.

"I'm sorry..." I said, turning back around and letting my arms hang loose as a tear streaked my cheek.

"I guess I'm just a little tense." I had to slowly lift my head. Just as North came around the corner holding a snow globe.

"Let's go! We must hurry!" he said. I rubbed my arm for a moment, quickly wiping the tear from my cheek, and Jack shot me an apologetic smile. I half smiled back. I didn't want Jack to make any promises. Considering he broke the last one, regardless of whether it was made to me or not, I still didn't like the false hope. North stopped for a minute, unsure. He, of course, knew where I lived but didn't know what to say to the globe to make it take us there.

"Can I?" I asked. He hesitantly nodded and gave me the globe, the cold glass resting in my palm.

"My house," I said. Just as I did, the snow inside it moved and a picture of the outside of my house appeared. I didn't really know what to do now. North usually threw it. So I pulled my arm back and aimed it at the floor a few metres in front of me. There was a slight smash sound as the globe hit the floor. Then, half a second later, the portal appeared. The moment I saw it, I ran. I kept my eyes open this time. The portal tugged at my feet and swirled me around as different colours flashed before my eyes. Then they faded and I found myself out the front of my house. Turning around, I watched as the rest of the Guardians appeared through the portal also. Jack was right behind me. I had hoped we would appear inside the house, but I guess not. There was a gush of wind as cold air hit me. Dammit it was cold! And dark too, so double yay!

"How are we going to get inside?" Tooth asked. I grabbed two hair pins and a clip from my hair and used them to pick the lock. After about ten seconds, the door clicked and opened itself. Goodness it was dark in here. I ran up the stairs and towards Ciara's room. Please be in there. Please be in there! I almost smashed the door as I opened it.

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