Chapter 22!! - Is This Death?

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The next couple of months, I was really down. I tried snow days; that was never as much fun as I wanted them to be. Every happy moment I had, Belle's face or smile would pop into my head and I would want to cry again. I really did love her. Have you ever lost someone you loved? If you have, then you know what I'm feeling. If you haven't then you will eventually. 

I visited the lake sometimes. But the moment I saw the ice, I immediately thought of Belle and I skating. And how she tripped and I held her close. And how she was so nervous and awkward I just wanted to kiss her. I smiled at that memory, though it really killed me inside. I still couldn't believe she was gone. I shouldn't have left her side. Then she would be okay. Then she would be happy. Then I could hear her laugh again. But there's no point going over what if's and should haves; there isn't anything I can do about it now.

Before I knew it, the one year anniversary of her death rolled around. She would have been eighteen today. I wanted to go to the lake, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. So I just sat at the Pole, leaning against a support plank of wood with my head up, looking at the ceiling.

"Mate?" Bunny said. I looked up and saw him walking over with a sad look on his face.

"Yeah?" I replied, looking back up to the ceiling.

"It's been a year mate. We're all worried about you. It's time you moved on..."

"You don't get it Bunny," I said angrily.

"No I don't get the way you feel. I don't know what it is you're feeling right now. But I do know that you did what you could to save her. There's nothing we can do about it now mate. You need to move on or talk to someone about what happened. And I mean really talk so someone. Think about it... okay?" he said. I just weakly nodded. He sighed and walked off. And I just continued to sit there, thinking about what he had said.

Belle. I miss you so much. I looked at a clock hanging on a wall near me. 11:59 on the fourteenth of February 2049. This time a year ago, I was in North's office, just before the Earthquake. I slammed my head against the wooden pole I leant on and closed my eyes.


12pm. On the dot.

Belle's POV

There was light beaming down on me. It was cold. My mind was so blank. I didn't know what to think. I felt like I was being pulled upwards from my stomach. Then I could see the blue sky and the moon. It was so beautiful and calming. Suddenly, I could breathe again as I came out of the cold water. Air immediately filled my lungs and I took in as much as I could. I felt so empty. I floated for a moment before my feet hit the ice below me that had covered itself back up.

The moment they did, all of my memories returned. Mum! Dad! Ciara! Thomas! The Guardians! Jack! The avalanche... I remembered reaching out while under the snow, clasping...

"My necklace!" I gasped, looking down. To my relief, the frozen white rose still hung there perfectly untouched on its silver chain. I smiled at it. Wait... What happened? Why was I in the lake? I thought I had died! How am I still here? How did I get into these clothes? I don't remember wearing this beautiful dress! How am I dry? I had so many questions. So I just looked up to the moon, hoping he would have the answer.

"What's going on?" I asked him. There was just silence. I knew it was a long shot asking him what was going on, hoping he would answer. I mean, he spoke when he chose to. Not when you asked. Agh! What am I supposed to do now? So I just sighed and started walking. I should go home! If I thought I was dead, everyone else must think I'm dead! I should go and see dad and Ciara! Just to let them know I'm okay. So I started running towards the pathway that led to the town.

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