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Madara didn't catch up yesterday. He never came to your house. But, he was at school the next day. "[Name]? Would you please stop spacing out on me like that?" Tenten said trying to snap you out of your thoughts. It's not your fault. Yesterday was traumatizing.

"Sorry. You know me, I'm always spacing out, I can't help it. But yesterday-"

Before you could finish, you bumped into a large chest. Your cheeks burned when you saw who it was.

"M-M-M-Madara!" You stuttered.

Madara gave you and Tenten a polite smile. "Good morning, [Name], Tenten." Then, Madara took his leave. He seemed... Different. 'Does... Does he hate me for what happened last night?'

"I'd expect you to be squealing with joy, you know. I thought you had a huge crush on him!" You quickly turned around. It was only Naruto and Sasuke. Tenten waved.

{A/N: Your friends are- Shisui, Sasuke, Naruto, Tenten, and Hinata.} "O-oh, hey Naruto, Sasuke." You said, scratching the back of your head.

"We should all hang out tonight! With Shisui and Hinata too! We haven't done that in a while, hehe!" Naruto chuckled as he hooked his arm around Sasuke's shoulders. Sasuke just rolled his eyes.

"Well... I don't know... I might stay behind and study." You replied. "Aw, cmon [Name]. Naruto's right. We haven't hung out in forever!" Tenten exclaimed, agreeing with Naruto.

You sighed. "T-then go without me." Sasuke turned his attention to your 'comment' and flicked your forehead. "Tch, dobe. It wouldn't be considered hanging out if you're not there."

"Fine, I'll go."


School had ended, and Sasuke waited by your class to make sure you would come. "...Where are we going anyway? I have to tell my dad." You said as you adjusted your bag and follows him out of the school. "Shisui found this barbecue place, so we're heading there." Sasuke replied.

You didn't wanna go. The thought of staying out late reminded you of when you were almost kidnapped. But, you had a gut feeling to tell someone about it. "..S-Sasuke?"


"I'm not comfortable staying out late. C-can you walk me home?"

"Tch. Seriously, [Name]? What's your problem?"

"Y-yesterday...these guys.. No, never mind."

"Tell me." Sasuke's voice had suddenly gone cold and angry. He knew he was about to hear something unpleasant, but he wanted to confirm it. "Sasuke... Let's forget it. I'll come to barbecue, but promise to walk me home early?"



You two were the last to arrive at the booth, where your friends were already eating. "S-sorry you two. I tried telling them to wait, but.." Hinata softly said as she took a bite of her food.

You just smiled as Naruto put a plate of food in front of you. You just looked at your food, not sure if you wanted to really eat. "Excuse me. I'm sorry for ruining your night, but I need to talk to you. It's important, [Name]." You looked up to see the one and only, Madara Uchiha.

His voice didn't sound too happy. He sounded tired and weary. "Sure, where do you wanna talk?" You excused yourself as Madara tightly grabbed your wrist and lead you to a faculty closet of the restaurant.

"Hey, Teme, whaddya think he wants to talk about?" Naruto asked as he snickered. "Leave it alone and mind your own business, you loser."


Madara quickly shut the closet door. The faculty closet smelled like blood and musk. You were shaking. "D-did you... Want to talk about l-last night?" You asked with shaky breaths.

"No. I can't wait anymore. I'll go crazy if I do." He replied coldly. You wanted to reach for the door, but Madara was in the way. 'Is he okay?'

"I don't.. Understand."

"Then I'll show you."

Madara grabbed you and pulled you into a deep kiss. 'My crush, Madara Uchiha...is kissing me!' Madara pulled away and licked his lips pridefully with a smirk.

You were redder than Kushina's hair. "M-Madara." You mumbled as you took a step back from shock. Due to clumsiness, you fell on a body? Not just any body, a dead one. "M-Madara, there's-!" You sprang up and into Madara's arms.

As you imagined, Madara was warm and soft. He smelled like delicious, ripe, fruits.

"I love you, [Name]. I've been wanting to say this for a while now."

You froze. It's happening. It was really happening. Your crush, Madara Uchiha, just confessed to you.

'Please.... Don't let this be a cruel dream.'

__To Be Continued.__

Instagram- King.Kouhai & Kun.Chaaan
Tumblr- deadlox-kitty

Obsessed | Madara UchihaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon