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"How's my lovely [Name]-chan doing?"


You snapped out of your thoughts and quickly looked at Shisui for answers as to why he intruded your thoughts.

"Ah! Y-yes, Shisui?"

"Sheesh. Focus would you? I was telling you that Me, You, Itachi, and Sasuke were gonna go hang out later on. You in?"

"First, I should-"

[Name] was interrupted by a high pitched scream. Shisui and [Name] both turned their attention to where the scream came from. It was Sakura Haruno.

You weren't close friend with Sakura as you were with Shisui, but you two occasionally talked. "Sakura? Is something wrong?" You asked, tilting your head.

You hoped it wasn't something stupid.  A lot of people were staring. Sakura spit a little, and then ran out of the school in tears, and her hand clasped around her mouth. 'What?'

Madara took a stand next to you. Shisui looked to him for answers. "Oi, Madara. Do you know what happened to Sakura?"

Madara only told him that he saw her locker, and it wasn't pleasant. "I'm... Gonna see what happened." You declared as you begin to make your way to look inside.

"[Name], I don't think it's wise to-" Madara started but he didn't make it in time. You had already jogged over to Sakura's locker and looked inside. You froze in fear and in disgust.

In Sakura's locker, there was a dead Ino, stabbed repeatedly and left alone with empty eye sockets. The words 'Don't Touch Her' were carved into the Yamanaka's thighs.

You tumbled backwards, trying to get away from something that had just scarred you for life. 'How could someone do that? How could come one do that?' You thought as you fell into someone's arms.

You let out a scream. "Calm down, [Name]. It's just me." That was Shisui's voice. You shakily looked up at him and then to Madara. "Y-Yamanaka.." You managed to spit out.

"[Name]? Calm down, please." That was Madara's voice. You were breathing quickly as your heart pounded. You looked around for answers, but there weren't any. Just the reality of something you talked to just yesterday, had been killed and shoved in a locker. The cruel reality of a dead Ino Yamanaka.

"[Name]! You're hyperventilating! Stay with me!"

'That was... Who's voice?' You thought hazily as you passed out.

- x-

You woke up on a stiff, white bed. Odd. You didn't remember having a bed like this. "Good you're awake." You jolted up and looked at the door way. It seemed you were in the nurses office.

"Sasuke? I don't remember seeing you in the crowd."

"Usually, most people would thank me for carrying a girl who passed out."

You blushes slightly from embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry. Thank you. What time of the day is it? Is it still morning?"

"It's almost the end of the day, dobe. I skipped class to come see if you woke up. Shisui and Madara are worried too." Sasuke explained.

You looked down, not wanting to meet your friend's cold eyes. "Whatever. Check with Shizune before you leave." Sasuke turned to make his leave, waving his hand the same time. That was as nice as he gets.

Though, you don't hate him at all for it.


After checking with Shizune, it was the end of the day. You walked outside, by yourself, hoping to forget this day.

"What pretty [hair color] hair you have. Not to mention your eyes, and lips." Some man and his lackeys were standing in front of you, blocking the way.

"I-I have to be somewhere, excuse me. "  You said, praying they'd let you through.

"When someone gives you a compliment, you say thank you."

'Are they going to kidnap me?'
You ran in the opposite direction to escape, but muscular arms scooped you up. "Help! Help me!" You cried and cried but then they tied a cloth over your mouth.

No one could hear your muffled screams or constant sniffling. You just shut your eyes, knowing it was over for you.

"Just what exactly do you think you're doing with [Name]?" You snapped out of your thoughts and saw Madara and Shisui standing a few feet across.

The men threw at least four knives in Madara's direction. 'Madara! Watch out!'

Madara effortlessly dodged them all. "How distasteful. Who the hell do you think I am? A child? Shisui, get [Name] home, I'll catch up."

Shisui made his way to the man holding me, and kicked him. In the face. The man yelled in pain and dropped me into Shisui's arms. Shisui pulled the cloth off. "M-Madara! Shisui! Thank you.." You mumbled as Shisui smiled and ran away with you, leaving Madara behind.


You had made it to your door step with Shisui and knocked on the door. Kakashi opened the door. That's right, you're [Name] Hatake, Kakashi's daughter.

"[Name]? It's late." Kakashi said as he opened the door and let them both inside. "Dad, I was almost kidnapped, but Madara and Shisui got me just in time. I'm okay now."

You sat on the couch, and hugged your knees as Shisui explained more to your dad. This was going to be a day you'd never forget.

But worse days are coming.

__To Be Continued.__

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