Part 1: The Unexpected. Chapter 1

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" surprise, happy birthday Little Gilbert!"

Hearing that so suddenly made me jump as I realized this was my 5th birthday party. My dad leaned down and whispered in my ear.

" Happy birthday my cub. I planned this for you."

I jumped with glee and hugged my dad.

" Thank you Papa. I love you so much.", I said as he put a big powerful but gentle paw on my head. I wrapped my new wings around his as he said, " I love you too cub, more than anything in the world. "

I let go of him and run to go play with my friends till I hear a familiar voice.

" Hi, Gilbert, happy birthday."

My heart skipped a beat.

" Rosy?!"

She laughed.

I turned to see a black and white arctic wolf with blue stripes on her snout, main, and back. I flapped my wings with overflowing joy. It was so much to take in, I couldn't stop myself. I ran and jumped into her and we feel to the floor, my wings and paws wrapped around her fluffy, soft body. She then hugged me. My first ever friend. At my birthday party.

" How did you Know today was my birthday? "

" Mister G. sent me an invitation for this."

I looked at her and tilted my head.

" Mister G.? Who's that? "

" Your dad silly, you know your dads name is sir Gilbert.", laughed Rosy.

I blushed, "ho"

"I Have something special for you." , She said as she gave me a box, " open it, I think you'll love it."

I shook it. I heard the clang of metal. I opened it and gasped.

" Phantom Armor! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

"I told you you'll love it.", She laughed.

The armor was black as the night sky, with bright purple stripes. I had eight bracelets, four for the arms ( two for each arm ), four for the legs ( two for each leg ), and paw guards.

I put them on and ran to show my dad.

" Papa, Papa!", I called, " look what Rosy gave me."

I flapped my wings to lift me of the ground to show him.

" WOW, lucky you." he said, " but something is missing."

" What Papa?" I asked tilting my head.

"Close your eyes."

I did so. I felt him strap something to my neck and back.

" Ok, you can look now."

I opened my eyes and looked on my back. I gasped.

" My own sword.", I said, " Wow. Thanks Papa."

'' I'll do anything for my little tiger."

Then everything went silent.

Then everyone started singing happy birthday.

I turned around to see my other friends carrying a cake that said : HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE Gilbert!

The first friend I noticed was Howl. A dark blue wolf. But he wasn't wearing his awesome armor. The others were Flower, a bright blue and pink panda; Twinkle, a red and white fox; twilight, a bright red and yellow wolf and is my doctor; and Paws, a small white bunny I helped find her mom and her sister( Lerou [ Lee roou] who is also my friend)

I blushed. It happened so fast and so suddenly. The cake was snow white, sky blue, and chocolate brown. It was clear that it was ice cream cake, my second fav. type of cake( my first is cheese cake). It had one candle on it in the shape of the number five. When the cake was in front of me they stopped singing. My dad placed a paw on my shoulder.

"Make a wish my cub.", said dad.

I thought for a moment. There was only one thing I could think of.

To go on an adventure.

There's a saying that you should be careful what you wish for. But I didn't know that yet, being so young. For my wish came true. But nothing like I imagined.

Little Gilbert's Adventure : the unexpected (An Animal Jam Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن