Chapter 5

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I couldn't remember that much when I woke up. I only remember seeing a blurry figure and soft, fluffy fur and gentle paws holding me. When I open my eyes I see an arctic wolf with white fur and green stripes.

"Whe-- Where am I?", I asked, "And where-- AH--AH--AH--ACHOO!", I sneezed.

"Hush little alpha, here, eat.", They said.

They sounded female. I opened my mouth so she could feed me.

The food was fantastic. It tasted like whatever I wanted it to. Chocolate, chicken, pizza, lasagna, ext. I couldn't help but noticed that she called me "young alpha". But I was too sick to question her.

I shivered, and she went to get another blanket. I now realized that I was in a cave with oil lamps. There was a crackling fire in the center of the cave. There were also other caves within this one that looked artificial. The arctic wolf came back.

"Wh--Wh--Who are you?", I asked.

"My name is Junaro, but you can call me Juno.", She said.

Juno I thought She's real.

I wanted to ask if the legends are true, but I was too weak to do so.

Little Gilbert's Adventure : the unexpected (An Animal Jam Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang