Sight Game

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Chapter - 2

💕Sight Game 💕

💕Sight Game 💕

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The cafeteria was bigger having a circular table with five chairs around it. Sameer helped himself a chair from the adjacent table we chose the corner most table. There were many busy on their own; few of them were our classmates who had their own company.

And then my mind remembered ' at cafeteria' thing and my eyes wandered in search of them, a great streak of fury ran from my head to toe, though if it hit him, he would lay dead here in the cafeteria's ground when I saw him.

The whole gang was at the table at the center of the cafeteria having fun out of people.

Then our eyes met.

That AD guy spotted me with the widest ever devilish grin, I suppose, looked at that 'hooked to him' girl when she called for him and again turned to meet my gaze.

Our line of sight was parallel until 'hooked to him' girl intersected her sight from me to him having formed triangle through our sight.

She almost stood up to bump on AD or purposely jumped on him.

Oh god, I couldn't handle such a gaze game. I turned 90 degrees and swear not to look back.

''What is it? '' Dhruv asked, ''you are all red.''

Yes, it was red. But I doubted if it were of anger for him or the fear. They shared half, I thought. I couldn't make out what I was fearing of though.

Him? Dang! Alia, you are being dunderhead now, I thought

''Nothing. ''

I said and took my seat. I was all flustered still I  tried to look cool and made efforts to gather gut's, that would save me some extent, though wondered if it worked. I didn't know what it was, I was fearing something.


Getting normal.

Almost settled.

I jumped. I felt something hit me behind.

I looked down searching for the culprit and I found that was wrinkled and thrashed paper ball. I reached out to pick it up and opened it. I read:

What's up, baby? Cool...?

I turned and found him giggle with hooked to him girl. Then my heart started pounding heavily for he stood up and strutted towards me with her, brushing my arms when he passed by to lean on the next table, while I tried to rest my heart.

He was still watching me with a devilish grin and I too held the gaze.

Why should I fear? Who the hell he was? no one just a prickhead who preys on weak but I wasn't the weak one and easy to play. Still, I had my heart pounding. Thoughts didn't keep me calm.

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