Ana folded up the set of clothes the hospital had changed Cassidy into and sat them on a table. She turned to me, "Niall, why don't you come with me to get some food? Maybe get out of the hospital for a few hours."

I looked at her, confused, "What if she wakes up while I'm gone?"

I'd never forgive myself if she woke up and I wasn't here. Ana must know that I'm absolutely not leaving her side.

Ana sighed, "Eleanor told me that the doctor said another day or two. What if I stay here with her, you go out with Harry, and I'll call you if anything happens."

I sighed, knowing she was right. I did need a little fresh air and I felt like if I stayed here any longer, I might lose my mind a little. I didn't want to leave her, but I knew she would understand if I left for a little while.

"Alright, call Harry." I told her and she smiled.

I changed into a new set of clothes that Zayn had brought me, knowing that I wouldn't be leaving the hospital soon. I pulled the red polo over my head and changed into a pair of jeans. By the time Harry actually made it to the hospital, I had almost fallen back asleep.

I heard the door creak open and Ana immediately scolded Harry for being late. I looked up to see Harry smiling at me, "Ready to go, Horan?"

"Whenever you are, Styles." I replied, standing up from the couch. I leaned down and kissed Cassidy on her forehead.




Harry's P.O.V~

I took Niall out to the park, not Hidden Park, but one that was only a couple blocks away from the hospital. I knew he wanted to be close just in case anything happened with Cassidy.

I handed him a pair of sunglasses, hoping those would be enough to hide his identity, but considering we were both together, I knew that would be more difficult.

"So, what's been happening with the media involving us?" Niall asked me, "I haven't been on my phone much lately."

"Well, everyone knows about Cassidy being in the hospital and what happened. Everyone completely hates Mia now." I told him, "On the other side, everyone is showing sympathy for Louis donating his blood to her. Everyone really wishes they knew how you were doing, though."

"Oh," he sighed, looking down as a soccer ball rolled up to his feet. He leaned down and picked it up when a young boy came running up to us.

"Hey, that's ours!" The boy yelled. He looked around the age of eight.

"Tyler, don't be rude," his sister huffed, running behind him, "He was going to give it back."

The boy narrowed his eyes at Niall, "Were you going to give it back?"

Niall laughed, "Yeah, of course!"

"Thank you," the little girl said, "Do you want to play with us?"

"Lily, they're complete strangers!" Tyler said suddenly, "You know what mom says about-"

"They're nice, Tyler. Calm down," She smiled, taking the ball from him. She kicked it away, "Come on!"

We really didn't have a choice at this point, so we began playing soccer with the little girl and boy.




"That was a good game!" Niall breathed, barely able to catch his breath, "I'm so out of shape."

As he laid down in the grass, Tyler and Lily came and stood over him, "We totally beat you two!"

I laid down beside Niall, laughing at him as Lily ran off to go get the ball. Tyler had mentioned that their mum worked in the park. Lily had obviously taken a liking to Niall. She even told him he looked like a Disney prince.

"You two are really good." I told them, leaning up on my arm. 

It had been around four hours since we left the hospital now. Time had really gotten away from us, but I was happy knowing I could take Niall's mind off of Cassidy. I spotted an ice cream stand a few yards away from us.

"Do either of you want some ice cream?" I asked them. Their eyes lit up.

"I do!" Lily yelled, jumping up and down. "Can you get me strawberry?"

"I want some cookies and cream!" Niall yelled, sounding as old as the kids.

"And for you, Tyler?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "I'll take vanilla."

I nodded, mentally remembering their orders as I walked over to the ice cream stand.

"Hi, can I get two strawberries, one cookies and cream, and one vanilla?" I asked the lady who smiled at me.

"You must be one of the two boys playing with my children," she smiled, and I realized she must be their mother.

I nodded, smiling, "Yes ma'am, just a bit of soccer. They're really lovely children."

"Thank you, just watch for them and make sure they don't get hurt." She told me, handing me four cups of ice cream.

"Of course, wee should be leaving soon. I'll make sure to bring them here whenever we go to leave!"

I walked back over to the group, handing everyone their cups of ice cream. We all dug in. Lily looked so adorable. Niall was eating his so fast.

"Brain freeze!" Niall yelled, rolling over in the grass. 





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