32. Louis's Surprise

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Louis's P.O.V~

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and was relieved to see Liam, "How'd it go, mate?"

"I'd say it went okay, considering the mood." He answered, "Ana, could I talk to you for a second in private?"

Ana looked over at Harry before telling Liam okay. I wondered what they were going to talk to me, but I guess if it was for me to hear, they would have invited me.

"You going next or me, mate?" Zayn asked, leaning over.

"You can go. I have something I need to do real quick."

He raised his eyebrows at me, but nodded and went ahead upstairs. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text out to the girls.

*To: My Queen, Little Mix Diva:
Come to Cassidy's ASAP!*

When I looked back up, Ana and Liam were coming back into the room. Ana looked over at me, "Did Zayn go up?"

"Yeah, and I asked Eleanor and Perrie to come over as well." I told her and she nodded.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

Zayn's P.O.V~

"Zayn, I know this sucks, but I have to go." Cassidy told me.

"I know," I sighed, "I know this is your dream. If that's what you feel like you want to do, then you should do it."

I didn't want Cassidy to go, but I knew I couldn't bear to see Niall sad if she left. When Niall is sad, we're all sad. He's our little snowflake.

"Yeah..." she trailed off, not seeming sure of her decision suddenly, "but there are ways I can still talk to you all. There's skype and I can always call. There's tons of ways, just not in person."

I knew she didn't want to leave Niall, and if she didn't go, he would be her main reason. University was her dream. I knew she wished there was a way to have both, but the odds weren't in her favor right now. Everything seemed to have gone sideways with that one phone call.

"Yeah, you're right." I told her, getting up and walking toward the door.

"You're already going?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah, I said what I needed to say. I believe you'll make the right decision." I told her, "Louis will be up in a minute."

Liam's P.O.V~

"Ana, I think I made a bad decision again." I admitted, worried she was going to yell at me.

"It couldn't be that bad, could it?" She asked, but she had no idea what I was about to say.

"I kind of asked out Mia," I told her, "and now we're dating."

"You did what?" Ana hissed, her eyes growing wide, "What the hell, Liam?"

I sighed, "I don't know, Ana. I was mad after Chelsea cheated on me and I thought it would feel good to get revenge on her by dating Mia."

"Mia, the one that accused you of rape in front of the entire world, right?" Ana said and I cringed.

"Yeah, maybe this wasn't the best idea." I told her.

"Did you tell Cassidy this when you were up there?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"Good, it doesn't matter because you realize you have to break up with her, right?" Ana asked me, "I mean, the girl is crazy. She's already tried to get with Niall and Harry, went to the press about you, showed up at Cassidy's house. What other proof do you need?"

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