Thank You

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Oh. My. Gosh.

So, my internet has been off for a few days and I was freaking out because I needed to know how my reads we're going and I am still struggling to write chapter 18 for Forever Now and I couldn't do it without Internet!!

Well, anyways, as soon as I got on today, I looked at my reads for this book and I got 100,000 reads!!! :D

I'm soooooo excited, like you have no idea. I'm so proud of how far this book has come, despite how terrible it is compared to the second one.

I can't wait until I write a good book on here that I hope to get published, but books come with time, and I don't have much of that. (But I do plan on writing and publishing one day.)

The main point of this update is to say Thank You. Thank you for everyone that has opened up the first chapter and read. Thank you to everyone who has told someone about my book, or seen my posts about it and gave it a try.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I love all of you that have read it, and even the ones who contemplated it. Thank you so much everyone.

And thank you also for 200 followers!

Thanks everyone :)


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