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Carl's Pov

       We did eventually stumble across A few old rickety houses with bloody picket fences and dead walkers in the front yard.  Just because Ron thinks I'm used to this and un phased it is still something I didn't think I'd have to face again and now I do so great.  The house did not even have anything inside except for two cans of sweet corn which is not to bad since those will fill you up. We did decide to stay here for a night or two since I haven't slept in three days and Ron probably needs rest.  They did have an upstairs bedroom, when we got up there I took the shoelaces out of my boot and tied the door tight. I also stuck a chair under the doorknob and tried pushing the dresser in front of it.

"Carl is that really necessary." Ron said as he watched me push the heavy dresser.

"I don't want to have to take turns on watch, so if something wanders in it cannot get us." I said barely moving it.

"Well let me help you before your muscles give out." He said.

      When Ron came over to help we did struggle still but we are lanky and not that strong to be honest. God moving all this stuff in the morning is going to suck.
      When we finally felt safe enough to crawl into bed Ron cuddled right up to me. This was the first time we had shown any affection towards another since we got into this shit. I wrapped my arms tightly around him and kissed his neck. I could feel the chills that went up and down his arms. I knew he was smiling even if I couldn't see him in the pitch black darkness.  I did feel him roll over there so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he's facing me since I feel him breathing right in my face. He stared at me for a moment or at least I think he did I could barely see an outline of his face. Then he connected our lips. Even though his lips were dry and crackled they were still soft and sweet in a way. It felt like home to be kissing him again, I could almost feel our room around us instead of this dark room in some old house.  When he pulled away I just wanted to pull him back and kiss him harder but then he snuggled into my chest so I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head down.

"I love you Carl." I heard him muffle out through my chest.

"I love you to Ron." I said before drifting to sleep.

      I don't know where I am or what's going on. It's pitch black and I can't hear or see anything. No moving or nothing. Then A bright light came on above me almost blinding me. I was in A room with bare cement walls. There was not A door. Then out of the darkest corner of the room came an extremely mutilated Ron crawling out towards me screaming barely audible words.

"LOOK WHAT YOU LET HAPPEN TO ME!" He screamed it multiple times.

"THIS IS YOUR FAUlT!" He screamed getting closer with pieces of flesh falling off of him loosely.

    I didn't know what to do I was terrified and I'm pretty sure I was crying. I was backed into A corner and he was almost to me. Then when he finally got to me. Then I woke up.
      It was a dream, all a dream. Ron was violently shaking me and said he was terrified I was not going to wake up and that I was crying and screaming in my sleep. What the actual fuck was the dream.

"I-I don't wanna talk about it." I said getting up and trying to push the dresser over.

"Ok you don't have to." He said coming over to help me.

        I don't want to tell Rom about it because I know it'll freak him out. Hell its still a replaying memory in my brain. Everything was so clear I thought it was real. I cannot allow what I saw to process through my brain because it was mentally scarring in a way. Seeing someone you planned to marry one day mutilated and falling to pieces as they yelled at you. It's terrible.
      The morning was quiet, we just split a can of corn and looked around the house.  Ron never asked me what my dream was about I was glad he was not going to bug me about it. I didn't feel like giving A summary of my worst nightmare.  We also decided that later on today towards mid day we were going to go out of search the five other houses in the small neighborhood. I wanted to leave right after we ate but Ron said I needed more rest since I hadn't slept for three nights. And to be honest even though I had the shittiest dream it was the best sleep. The bed was comfy and warm plus Ron was smuggled into me so that was a plus.
       It did not feel right to relax because used to during times like this we never stopped moving. Stay a night here or there then get up and leave next morning.  Never staying another day, the longest we ever stayed in one place while traveling was the church. I wonder what my dad, Daryl, and Michonne are doing right now. Are they dead? Looking for us. Being held hostage. It's killing me to not know. Maybe their in the same place me and Ron are in. Hungry, tired, and moving because those people stole their stuff. I don't know anymore I just need something to tell me they are alive. It's horrible believing in something and not knowing if it's true or just something you made up to hide the truth. I'm not going to accept the fact that they may be dead because I know them. Those three could get out of a metal room with no door. It's only a matter of time before we come across a walker with its head freshly chopped out or an arrow left in the side of its temple. Maybe a giant gash in the side of its head in the shape of an axe.  They aren't dead and I'm not dying till I find out what happened.

(A/N - Hey guys so it's my last week of school, finals are almost over thank god. This story has two more chapters left can you believe it. It's kind of sad to think of but it'll be fine I have a lot to say in the epilogue. This week I plan on ending it. When writing this chapter the nightmare Carl has is supposed to represent how much he feels like he would be responsible  for Ron's death. And Carl tries to blame himself for everyone's death but Ron is someone who he feels like he is in charge of and his death would feel like he was losing his second half. It's a long explanation Ron isn't even dead so I'm not going into it but anyways LOVE YOU GUYSSS 💜💜💜💜)

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