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( Carl's Pov )
My ears were ringing like sirens screaming in the ocean. But there were no longer hands on my shoulders, I could not open my eye.  Maybe I was dead so that's why I couldn't feel them or maybe they were dead. I really don't know.

"C-Carl we gotta get back inside before more come" I heard Ron say from behind me with his voice shaking a little bit.

I turned to see a very pale and sweaty Ron with a pistol in his hand, smoke still coming from the barrel. I literally had no clue where he found the pistol but that was not my concern right now. I quickly made my way inside after gathering my thoughts, and when the ringing stopped because it's terrible. I don't think Ron has ever even fired a gun but he probably knew how to turn the safety off and to aim and all that because my dad and I taught him how. Usually it's me protecting him but this time he saved me, and I mean like big time I probably would of died even if I escaped from them I would of died. When I got inside I quickly closed the front and back door then locked them. There were two bodies on the porch so I hope that gives the others a warning to not fucking come to this house. Ron still stood there in the same spot, frozen still.

"Ron come on we have to go hide somewhere" I said grabbing him and trying to pull him upstairs.

He stayed still. I grabbed his hand and literally pulled him up the stairs and to the attic door. I understand the he has never killed or even shot a gun but cooperate Ron this is a really bad time to have a mental breakdown. I mean if he does cry I will comfort him and rub his back and make it all okay but I really need him to be strong right now.

"Carl I can't hide from danger anymore" he said looking down to the pistol still in his grasp.

"Ron what are you talking about we need to hide before we almost die again" I snapped trying to reach the cord to pull the attic steps down.

"No I'm done hiding ok all I do is hide from danger. I'm done being weak, it was terrifying shooting those guys but it made me wake the hell up and realize this is how it has to be" he said turning to go back down the stairs.

"Ron are you fucking crazy if we go out there and fight we will die. And trust me they won't go easy on you because your a teenager. I know" I said trying to stop him.

"Carl I have to do this ok I can't let the place I love go down because of some dumbass group called the saviors. If we don't all fight back then it makes us weaker then we all die" he said starting to make his way down the stairs.

"Ron if we go out there we are not gonna come back in one piece ok" I said chasing him.

"So your family out there fighting they aren't gonna come back in one piece" he said turning around and snapping at me.

"I'm not saying that but I just UGH I don't know ok" I said snapping back.

He kills two guys who were not even fighting him and all is sudden he is some gigantic force that cannot be stopped. I love him but I don't want him to go out there over confident and then die or get shot.

"I just don't want you to go out there and get shot or worse" I said trying to convince him not to go.

"If I lose you I don't know what I would do ok. You just don't know what it is like to be out there in a war zone with bullets flying past your head only a centimeter away from taking your life. Because you don't just go out and there and fire your gun then think it's all over. They will fire there guns and stab people until everyone is dead" I said trying to make it sound as terrible as possible.

"So you think I'm not strong enough to handle it" he said turning and almost yelling at me.

"Ron I didn't say that ok because I know you are strong and you are so brave but it's so easy to die out there and I just can't lose you ok. You are the love of my life and if I lost you I don't know what the fuck I would do" I said looking him in the eye.

"Well you are the love of my life to but I just can't keep cowering away ok I mean what do I do if this place does get taken down one day and we are forced to be on the road like your group was. How the hell would I survive  because all I know is this suburban neighborhood" he said in a calmer tone.

"There's two different things being out there and only fighting walkers and being out there and only fighting people.  Fighting walkers is easy and we could teach you how to do that but fighting people is a lot more complicated because they use fire power and fight back.  Now usually when out there on the road you usually don't fight people so you would survive now if we did find a home but enemies came with it then we would teach you how to fight" I said trying to explain the whole concept of fight the dead fear the living.

"I just want to fight for this place" he said sitting on the steps and examining the pistol in his hand.

"I know but we just cannot risk it, not today and not with this group of people" I said sitting down next to him and wrapping my arm around him.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier I just got really pissed for no reason" he said looking down.

"It's okay babe I understand you have just fired a gun for the first time and also killed someone for the first time" I said as if it were no big deal.

"It doesn't even feel right knowing that I took someone's life actually two peoples lives" he said still examining the gun.

"You will get used to it, it has just kind of become a thing for me" I said as if murder was not a bad thing but in this world it isn't. Just something you gotta do to live another day.

"I'm tired of this town being attacked.  It just feels like every time we get rid of a threat another one jumps out of nowhere" he said leaning his head in my shoulder.

"That's just how it is today.  You have to fight to survive" I said sounding exactly like my father.

         Then things got really quiet inside and outside. I was to scared to get up and go outside though. But I needed to see what was going on.

( A/N - I hope you liked it, it's really late my head hurts but ayy did not wanna lose my ideas. So first Rarl argument, wasn't that big but please tell me what you thought in the comments. OK LOVE YOU BYEE 💜💜 )

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