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Carl's Pov/Monday 9:30
I actually did not feel terrible today, Saturday and Sunday were as I like to call them recovery days. Friday we terrible, I was throwing up a lot and we were all skeptical to if I was going to make it. But after a long night and barely any sleep I woke up Saturday with my temperature dropped by about four degrees and my sickness doing a lot better. By Sunday it was better and today I'm barely showing any symptoms. Ron has honestly been the best during this, he slept in here with me last night even though I didn't want him to he forced himself in. This week me, my dad, Ron and a few others are gonna travel to the Hilltop to see Maggie and talk about some trades we can make. I want to go this time to check out that place and to see how things are ran up there. I'm actually really excited to go to the Hilltop I mean the thought of other large communities being out there is just wow. I mean I went to the hilltop for a moment and saw a glimpse of the inside when we took Maggie there but I didn't get to talk to anyone or take a tour.

***Two Days Later***

We just finished packing up the RV for the trip to the Hilltop, I honestly think we got to much but hey whatever I guess you can never have to many supplies. Ron seems anxious about traveling this far from home but I keep trying to reassure him that he'll be fine. It's only gonna be me, Ron, Michonne, my dad, Daryl, and Aaron. We wanted Aaron to come because he knows this area and can get us there quicker, when they all went the first time Jesus was there so they really didn't get to know their way because he was directing them. I like Aaron though I don't mind him coming with us. He always brings us all back cool stuff when he goes on runs so he's a pretty awesome guy. But anyways we just finished packing that RV up to the ceiling then piled in there. It hadn't even felt like we were riding that long before I couldn't see the rusty gate and the metal wall behind us anymore.
My dad and Michonne sat together in the two front seats, me and Ron were on the couch snuggling a bit. Aaron and Daryl were over in the booth looking at a map doing something. You know now that I think about it we are probably gonna have to stay one night in the RV because we left in the middle of the day and it takes a few hours to get to the Hilltop. It's not safe to drive at night anymore because you could hit one walker then realize there's a whole swarm and you didn't even see them. Every time we drive by a walker Ron tenses up a little bit. I don't know why I mean he was surrounded by them in Alexandria that time so it's not like he's never been by any. I don't know he just doesn't like it out here. He only came because he didn't want to be away from me.
Before any us knew it the sun was setting fast and according to Aaron and Daryl we still had about an hour left to go before we got there. I told my dad we should keep going but he said no that it was to dangerous so I guess we are spending one night on the road. It honestly feels like old times again, I'm just not as hungry or tired.

"Ron, Carl if y'all two want the bed first you can have it I'm going on watch." My dad said grabbing his pistol and walking out that door.

"Sure we will take it." I said before anyone else could claim it.

It was kind of early but we needed a lot of rest. Plus the bed in the RV was really comfy.
It wasn't long after me and Ron dozed off that I woke up probably around 2 AM to gunshots and people moving around a lot inside the RV. I thought it was just a few to many walkers out there but why would they fire guns I mean usually they can handle things with just regular weapons. I didn't start to get suspicious until I heard yelling. I knew Ron was awake he was just pretending to be asleep, acting like nothing was going on. I got out of bed and grabbed my pistol off the table in the bedroom and began making my way into the main part of the RV. No one was in there but I could still hear stuff outside, Daryl's crossbow was gone, so was Michonne's sword and my dads pistol. I was kind of scared to look outside because I was pretty sure we were being ambushed again. When I turned around I saw a scared looking Ron behind me which kind of made me flinch since I hadn't even heard him get up.

"Is anything out there." He said with a shaky voice.

"I don't know I haven't looked , I don't wanna look to be honest." I said sitting down slowly.

"What if something is wrong out there." He said whisper yelling.

"Ok I'll get up and look." I said getting out of my seat and peering out of the curtain.

"Well what do you see?" He said after watching me look out there for a moment.

    My heart dropped because I knew it would end badly if I went out there and tried to face all 10 or 15 men I saw. My family was still alive they just had their weapons on the ground, these people weren't Negan's men.

"Well what's out there." I head Ron say again.


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