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(I know it's been like two weeks .since my last chapter but this takes place two days after my last chapter. I'm really sorry I start taking other exams tomorrow but they aren't as big as last weeks so hopefully I can update)

Carl's Pov
     I'm hungry. Ron is hungry. And we have literally nothing.

      We waited at this ragged tent all day yesterday waiting for my family. We heard nothing, no talking, no gunfire, no footsteps, nothing. I had found two granola bars stuffed in the corner of that tent the next morning. Me and Ron saved them until we had to eat something. The only upside is no walkers yet, they were probably all attracted to the gunfire and just bypassed us. I'm going to have to just come to terms and realize they aren't coming. Me and Ron or either gonna have to move soon or starve to death at this tent. To be sure we would of seen them or heard them by now. If we stay here to long walkers will come eventually. I cannot let Ron die while we are out here. He is the love of my life and if I lose him I don't know what I would do. I would Probably kill myself. I know it sounds horrid but I already feel like my family is gone and if I lose Ron then I'll have nothing. Even if I die in the process I will do anything to keep him safe.
It's probably around twelve and if we don't leave now it'll be to late. I cannot sit at this tent and rot away any longer. I've just been sitting on this log with Ron, sometimes he goes in the tent or just sits out here with me. I haven't gotten any rest but this isn't the first time I haven't gotten any sleep. Shit four or five nights won't kill me I have went two weeks without sleep.

"Ron we have to start moving." I said standing up and grabbing my gun.

"Carl they have to be looking for us we cannot leave." He said.

"Ron they are not looking, they are either dead or being held hostage. Or maybe just didn't wanna look." I said my voice cracking. No Carl now isn't the time you have to be a man.

"How do you know they aren't looking." He said hopping up.

"Ron if they were looking for us we would of saw or heard then by now it's almost been two whole days." I said making sure I had everything.

"Carl are you sure you want to leave I mean I don't know." He said.

"It's either leave now and find some place to stay or sit out here and either get eaten alive or starve." I said.

He didn't respond and just came over next to me. We made brief eye contact then I started walking West. My plan was either to try to find our way back to Alexandria which would be extremely hard and dangerous because we were a ways away from there. And there are not many places to stay near that haven't been cleaned out. I want to find a house or a store or something. We had only been walking for probably three minutes and it already felt like it had been hours. I didn't want to find myself out here again. I can never get a fucking break. I guess I'll just walk.

--------------- Three Hours Later  ---------------

        We have only come across two walkers so far. I just used a knife on them while Ron stood back, I cannot use my gun unless it's an emergency.  We did make it to a road but I don't think it was the same road we were on the other day. And before you say something about how we could not retrace our steps well it was pretty complicated since it was dark when we ran off that night.  If we could just find a house or something. I know that there are random small neighborhoods and houses all over this place. Even thought me and my group did travel all around I cannot hardly remember the roads and ways we took, shit that was a long time ago.
      Our food supply is almost gone but I mean it was only a few granola bars.  Ron does not even seem to phased about the situation we are in he just looks straight forward and walks. I try to make conversation but he does not really try to keep it going. He's like a shell at the moment not really showing any emotion.


       I really don't have any reaction to what's going on. I'm sad, angry, scared, and relieved I'm not dead yet. I've never felt so much at once so I must pretend I feel nothing. We Have only been away from Alexandria for around three days and I already feel like it's a distant memory. Carl can say what he wants but he's not the best tracker and I don't think he's going to be able to find Alexandria. I love him to death and if I could I would just kiss him right now but I don't think he feels like that right now. We aren't in the best situation and I don't want either of us to die but it's not like I can't fight for shit so what can I do.  I just wish we had a map or they would of found us. I feel alone even though I'm not. Me and Carl are abandoned, probably not on purpose, and they are probably dead or just could not find us. I don't even know it feels a hell of a lot like abandonment.

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