I Got A Question (A/N)

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      Ok so I'm going to Walker Stalker Con Atlanta and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get platinum VIP tickets so that's lit. But I really want to do a cosplay and by that I mean Daryl because I was thinking Negan but I cannot pull off the leather jacket I need to be skinnier I'm to chubby to wear a jacket like his. So my next thought was Rick but I don't know Daryl was my first choice and I have great ideas for him. So I'm going with Daryl and my plan for this cosplay is.

- Buy pair of dark jeans and rip holes in knee and dirty up a lil bit.

-Order angel wing vest from Ebay or somewhere. (Needs to be cheap)

-Get a pair of like dark boots kind of like timberlands but not that expensive. And make them dirtier.

-Get a dark flannel to wear under vest.

-My hair is blue/green faded right now and I don't dye my hair over the summer because it'll fade when I swim so I think I'm gonna actually dye my hair dark brown for this cosplay because wigs don't work well with me.

-I'm definitely gonna do some makeup to you know make me look manly and I'm gonna do a black eye to because Daryl always seems to have one. Plus dirt on the face gotta be dirty to be Daryl.

       But hey what's left, OH YEAH that good ol crossbow. I need someone to give me ideas on what to do for the crossbow I mean I have my own crossbow but I don't want to carry that big thing around all day and it's a weapon I don't think weapons are allowed. So can someone please tell me where maybe I can find a decent fake crossbow for cheap because this cosplay cannot be expensive I'm already have to spend a lot ok the vest. And if you have any ideas for my costume please let me know. It has to be super cheap because my parents are not buying me the platinum VIP I am saving every piece of money I get. WSC is on October 28th and I have currently 440 dollars in a jar. Now the ticket is 1400 and I have a summer job that gives me a 100 a week which is nice then my grandmas are giving me money to clean and I get babysitting money so hopefully I will have enough really soon I want to get it early before time runs out. But after I get the ticket I gotta start saving to buy everything for my costume so please I'm the comments if you know any give me tips for it or where I can buy any of the things on my list. Please guys this means a lot to me.

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