Sup A/N

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    Hey guys no this isn't a sorry for not updating authors note I just wanted to say hi. I'm sad and feel like a black hole is swallowing me right now. Does anyone wanna kik or message up here. I could really use someone to talk to.  I started writing tonight because I had an amazing idea but I lost it in all of my other thoughts.  I screwed myself on an idea for this story because I came up with the best way ever to end it and no way to get to that ending point so I'm gonna have to work for a little bit to get shit straight. I'm prewriting some stuff, I have a little notepad on my phone where I write ideas and try to come up with chapters for them. But does anyone wanna talk, I could really use a friend in the world right now to just have a conversation with. You don't have to I just want someone, anyone right now. And no this isn't a pity party chapter I am not saying oh you know I'm depressed I'm busy I can't write I just felt like writing this for some reason. Anyways hey if you wanna kik just ask me for mine or message me up here. Peace Ima go try to finis writing my chapter and if it doesn't come out tonight that means I totally lost my train of thought.

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