Know that I'm here (27)

Start from the beginning

The smell here was always very good, the atmosphere was fresh and the conversation with the old lady was good for me. I sat down on the old chair that was there near the table. This chair has been my favorite place for the last 3 months.

Within minutes, Maria brought a cup of coffee for me and another for her. Gently she handed me mine and sat on the rocking chair in front of me.

-How are you? – she asked.

She's been asking that every day, in fact I heard that question every day, but nothing compared to Maria's, she really cared.

-I'm fine and you?

-Ramon has been a pain in the ass. – she said like it was obvious.

-He's an adorable kid.

-Take him then. You don't know what you are saying. – Maria said and I laughed.

Her sense of humor was enviable, she was in her eighties and she was good-humored and wouldn't stop working for a single day. Ramon is her grandson, he's six years old. She takes care of him since her daughter died in a car accident with her husband. Ramon was always very polite to me, in fact he loved me, or the doughnuts that I brought for him. Weird, right? I managed to fill Camila's absence just by knowing this little family.

-Aunt Lolo! – the little boy shouted when he saw me.

-Hey champ, your grandma is here telling me to take you with me. – I said picking him up and sitting him on my lap.

-She says that to everyone who comes here. – he said hiding his face in my neck.

-I don't need to take you, I just have to bring doughnuts and you are mine. – I said tickling his belly under his shirt.

The little one writhed in my arms and I stopped when I noticed that he was out of breath.

-You already know what to do, right? – I asked and he nodded his head.

Coincidently or not, Mrs. Maria's flower shop was right next to the hospital that Camila was in. Since the first day I come here, Ramon takes the flowers to the hospital and asks for them to be delivered to Camila's room.

-We'll be right back, Mrs. Maria. – I said and got up with Ramon on my lap.

I went to the entrance where Maria had already left the flowers that would be delivered to Camila and grabbed the bouquet, going towards the hospital entrance with Ramon.

-This one is bigger than me. – the little one grumbled when I handed him the bouquet.

-Stop being grumpy, take this one and I'll give you a doughnut as big as you. – the boy's greedy eyes almost popped out of his face, then he turned around quickly and clumsily walked to the hospital's front desk.

I couldn't enter that place anymore, I was defeated. But while she's in there, I will send her flowers every morning so that she has me closer to her, so that she knows that I haven't forgotten her.

-Lauren? – I heard the familiar voice behind me.

-Dinah. – I said hugging the brunette.

-You came to bring the flowers?

-Yes, how is she?

-You know, the usual... But there's something I need to tell you, I was going to call you to have dinner today, but since you are here, I'll tell you now.

-Where's my doughnut, Lolo? Well, not a normal doughnut, but a giant doughnut. – Ramon said with his hand outstretched.

-And this midget? – Dinah asked, messing with Ramon.

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