Chapter 12: Updation

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Chapter 12 Preview: Not really ? xD

Time sure flies fast... And I'm getting more and more busy these days!

I left the house by 8am then came home at 7pm. ._.

Then I'm having a sorethroat and cold...

I need handicaps... Augh Dx


...Okay! So I'm still in the middle of writing chapter 12 and... yeah. I can't think much because of my sorethroat and cold.


In chapter 12... I'll probably not just continue their games of "Stuck in the Mud" but also do the Truth or Dare game in it.

Even though I like writing the Truth or Dare in chapter 12, I'm still running out of ideas what kind of Questions or Dares would I make them ask/request/demand/do. So, please, feel free to make a suggestions.


You can ask any for the characters active in the chapters at the moment ( see page 11 in : ), whether it's truth questions or dares. You name it~.


Thank you and Have a Good Day~.


Chapter 12: Are you In or Out? [ Preview ]


"It seems that this will be a interesting match..."

"Glad to see you found amusement in this, Mibuchi-senpai"

"Oh,no. Don't get me wrong, Sei-chan. If anything, I'm interested how this will go on"


"Are you sure?"

"I'm not one to back down that easily"


"Even if it is the captain, I won't back down. The match hasn't started yet anyways... This are just warm-ups"


"I don't know if you're really just that oblivious or just plain idiot"

"That's rude, Aomine-kun and what do you mean by that?"

"You're like a prey surrounded by two predators"


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