The two phantoms in a bookstore

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After entering the bookstore, the two phantoms looked through the shelves separately to look for their own books that they want to check or buy.

While the two phantoms were busy, our two teams namely Seirin and Rakuzan have also entered the bookstore and separate ( not too far ) from each other to avoid getting noticed. The two phantoms were too busy to notice their presence.

The Seirin and Rakuzan have been observing the two for awhile but their targets doesn't look like they'll engaged on a conversation. But their thoughts were erased once Rakuzan's phantom Mayuzumi walked towards Seirin's phantom Kuroko and called out to him.


" I found some books that caught my interest. What about you Kuroko-kun? Mayuzumi asked while walking towards the teal haired teen.

" I found one but I'm still looking at the others. " Kuroko replied then turned towards the light grey haired teen. " You got three of them? " Kuroko asked eyeing the books which is held by Mayuzumi.

" Yeah. I can't seem to choose since they all looked interesting. " Mayuzumi reasoned.

" I see. " Came the small response. While still eyeing the books Mayuzumi is holding, Kuroko saw the titles and chuckled a bit, startling the light grey haired teen. " Romance novel? " Kuroko asked.

" Yeah. Why? Something wrong with it? " Mayuzumi asked back, still a bit dazed hearing the teal haired teen's laugh.

" Nope. I just didn't know Mayuzumi-san into those kinds. " Kuroko replied.

" What? We have different kinds of taste. " Mayuzumi reasoned.

" Hai, hai. " Kuroko said, chuckling a bit, earning a glare from the light grey haired teen.

" Stop laughing. What's yours anyways? " Mayuzumi asked, still glaring a bit.

Kuroko stopped laughing and showed Mayuzumi the book he's holding.

" Sherlock Holmes? " Mayuzumi raised an eyebrow. " You're into detectives I see. "

Kuroko nodded " I don't like suspense much though. "

" Is that the only book you'll buying? " Mayuzumi asked , tilting his head.

" I guess so. The other books didn't really caught my interest. " Kuroko sighed.

" Why don't you try other kinds of books other than detective stuffs? " Mayuzumi offered.

" Well pardon me if I'm not a romantisist like you. " Kuroko glared at the light grey haired teen but to Mayuzumi , it's more like Kuroko was doing a pout instead.

Suddenly Mayuzumi raised a hand towards the teal haired boy and ruffled his hair, surprising the teal haired teen in the process.

" Mayuzumi-san? " Kuroko asked, surpised by the light grey haired teen's action.

" You know... What you're doing is a pout not a glare. " Mayuzumi said, still ruffling Kuroko's hair.

" Please stop messing my hair, Mayuzumi-san. " Kuroko frowns while prying off the light grey haired teen's hand off.

" You don't like your hair getting messed up? " Mayuzumi teased.

" Ofcourse. It takes minutes to trim it after all. " Kuroko reasoned.

" Then... " Mayuzumi started, raising a hand once again towards the teal haired teen's head, confusing him. Mayuzumi then started fixing Kuroko's hair, smoothing it. " I'll fix it since I was the one who messed it up. " Kuroko only blinked and remained silent.

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