f o u r t e e n .

Start from the beginning

She stepped out of the shower, sprayed on a considerable amount of Harry's deodorant that sat on the bathroom counter and dried her hair with a dry towel. She combed through it with her fingers, before pulling it on top of her head into a messy bun. She didn't need to use much makeup, thank god for clear skin. Instead, she quickly drew over her lips with a perfumed pink lipstick and brushed over her eyelashes with mascara. She paused for a second in front of the mirror- before she took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

The first thing she noticed when she walked into the living room was Harry, sitting up on his pull out couch, his hair messy and eyes sleepy. He lazily raising his hand in greeting at her. "G'mornin."

"Morning," she grinned. "Uh, is it okay if I make coffee? Would you like some?"

"Be my guest and no," he yawned again, before pulling the cover off himself. "I hate caffein. I'm just going to go take a shower." 

Caden made herself a mug of steaming coffee, before she walked into the living room and settled on the sofa with the mug cradled in her hands. She watched Louis finally stir, as he lazily rolled over on the couch. His eyes fell on her before his lips widened into a lazy smirk which she would found attractive. "Good morning, kiddo."

Louis sat up, stretching his arms over his head before he gave her a casual once-over. "Don't you look all fresh and pretty this morning?"

Caden grimaced, looking down at her clothes. "Thanks, but I'm wearing the same clothes again. That's just gross, I mean I have to go shopping for new clothes today, I can't stand the thought of wearing these again-"

Louis raised his eyebrows at her, and she immediately shut up, realising how spoiled she sounded. She blushed, glancing at her mug of coffee. "Um, it's just I've never worn the same outfit twice..."

She didn't dare to look up, too embarrassed by her own words. She hated how stuck up she sounded, even though she hadn't mean to sound that way. She was just being truthful.

Luckily at that time, Zayn waltzed into the living room, his eyes darkened and face sleep deprived. Caden didn't miss how gorgeous he looked though, as he collapsed into the couch next to her, groaning into the pillow. "I'm so tired."

Louis just smirked, his eyes travelling from Zayn to Caden. "Long night, eh?" he raised his eyebrows suggestively, which Caden blushed profusely at. "What?! No. Absolutely not," she stated, looking at Zayn quickly. "Right?"

He lifted his head from the pillow, muttering out a sleepy "right" before it hit the pillow again. Louis just continued to smirk and Caden wanted to die.

"You guys are literally eloping with each other, come on, don't be shy," Louis continued teasing and Caden grew infuriated when she saw the slow smirk on Zayn's lips. "Naw, mate," was all he said before he yawned again, cuddling into the pillow.

Caden furiously sipped her coffee.

"Your girl here was talking about how she wanted to go shopping," Louis said, and Zayn gave her an annoyed look. "Shopping? At a time like this? Why?" he muttered.

"I mean, it was just a thought, we can't wear these clothes forever..." Caden began, but shut up when she saw Zayn roll his eyes. Crap. She was doing the stuck up rich kid thing again.

"If you use your debit card or credit card, they'll track you down in seconds," he told her. "And I don't think you should be wasting the bills you have with you on clothes. We can just go to my parents' house. You can borrow my sisters' clothes."

"Ummm," Caden didn't know what to say. She thought it was incredibly sweet of him to suggest such a thing, but it would also be extremely awkward to go to a stranger's house and borrow their clothes. Instead, she decided to just stay quiet and mumbled, "Okay."


"Thank you guys so much," Caden repeated for the hundredth time as they stood in the lobby of Harry's apartment building. "We wouldn't have escaped from those guards if it weren't for you. Thank you."

Harry and Louis laughed, shaking their heads. "No, I have to admit it, it was quite exciting for us as well," Louis nodded, looking from Zayn to Caden. "You two are living the dangerous life, but I approve."

Harry nodded along. "I mean, apart from the fact that I got punched, you two are cool."

Zayn laughed at this. "No hard feelings, right?"

"Nah," Harry giggled. "I kinda like being punched."

Zayn's expression slightly faltered in confusion, not being able to process why Harry would like to get punched, and Louis put his hand on Harry's shoulder, pulling him back. "Now, let's not get too weird, kid."

Caden couldn't help but laugh, before she threw her arms around Harry's shoulders. "I know that we've only met for like a day, but I'm gonna miss you guys."

"Well, we'll definitely meet again, right?" Louis looked at Zayn expectantly. "I mean, hopefully when the two of you are married and happy in life, we could head out for lunch. It'd be adorable."

Caden and Zayn exchanged glances, a sinking feeling settling over Caden because both of them knew that the day would never come, before Zayn let out a slightly forced laugh. "Sure mate. Thank you once again, for helping us out."

"Don't mention it," Louis laughed and the pair waved them goodbye as Zayn and Caden stepped into Niall's car which was parked in the parking lot. Zayn drove them out of the apartment complex, the car speeding as he pulled onto the street and a sigh escaped Caden's lips.

"Everything that happened in the last twenty four hours seems so unreal," she murmured, looking out the glass window of the car. "You feel so surreal, Zayn."

"Why, does a sexy, gorgeous beast like me only exist in your dreams?" he smirked.

Caden rolled her eyes slowly, and gave Zayn a flat look. "No. It's just, you know, I've learnt so much about you in these last twenty four hours."

Zayn glanced away. "Well, maybe everything I told you was false. What if I was a kidnapper, or a psycho murderer guy?"

"If you were a psychopath, I'm sure you wouldn't refer to yourself as a psycho murderer guy," Caden laughed, but she felt the nerves. He was right. Why had she trusted him? 

"What do you think we should do now?" she continued, changing the topic, not very subtly. "I mean, last night we agreed on find Aaron McCarthy to clear shit out, but how are we going to do that?"

"Now," Zayn flashed his set of pearly, white teeth at her. "Leave that to me. Don't worry, Caden, I'm not going to let you down."

And again, she believed him.


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