f o u r t e e n .

31 3 17

a/n; haven't updated in like two months, SORRY. i know my updates are super irregular but high school keeps me so busy that i have no time for anything ;-; which is kinda funny because i'm failing legit every subject. CAN SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO COPE UP WITH NINTH GRADE PLZ. i have my economics exam tomorrow ughhhhhhhh

btw let's all appreciate the song i've attached, that song is my freaking jAM 

oh and chapter's dedicated to wrongbandniall because she's my number one on this site ok? ok.


C A D E N  L A U R E N  S M I T H

When her eyes fluttered open the next morning, she was engulfed in the divine smell of strong cologne and cinnamon. She was confused as she registered that a well-built arm was slung over her waist, and her own face was cuddled into somebody's chest. It didn't take her too long to figure out who it was, because as she gently withdrew her hands from around Zayn's body, a red blush crept over her cheeks. 

She gently picked his heavy arm off her waist and wiggled away from his grip. He didn't stir as she tried not to wake him up, and she sat up on the bed, hugging the pillow to her chest. She ran a hand through her hair to undo the knots with her fingers, her heart still beating like crazy. 

Memories of last night flooded into her mind- from the sound of Zayn's voice as he sang to her, to when they both just sat up talking. They spoke about the littlest things to the big ones, they spoke about their own lives. Caden had learnt so much about the boy she was with. She loved the way his face lit up whenever he spoke about his family and his sisters, or when he spoke about his friends. She absolutely loved how caring, mature and deep he was. She loved the look in his eye when he talked about science (he couldn't stop talking about the magnificence of the Supernova and the universe, which Caden could barely understand). The two of them sat up talking for quite a while that they ended up falling asleep next to each other, too sleepy to care. And it wasn't like Caden had minded- there was so much to love about the boy beside her. 

Warm butterflies erupted through her chest as she looked back at Zayn's face with a small smile on her lips.

How did he look so good even when he was asleep? His face looked peaceful and calm, his hair disheveled and lips so pink. Caden's eyes widened as her eyes traveled from his face to his body. He had his shirt on, but it was obvious that he had a gorgeous body, that perfect mixture of muscular and lean. Caden's breath got caught in her throat as she noticed that the top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. She could see the beginning of a tattoo snaked over his chest, but she couldn't tell what it was because it was covered by the rest of his shirt.

She just sat there, with all these thoughts and feelings washing over her like waves on the beach, throwing her emotions all over the place, leaving her raw and exposed on the sand. She hugged the pillow to her chest, before shaking her head slightly.

She was being stupid, it had been one day since she met this boy. She hardly even knew him, and now she had all these crazy feelings?! Hormones. She blamed it on the teenage hormones.

With a soft sigh, she grabbed her phone to check the time. 8:17 am, it read. The apartment seemed quiet, so she assumed the boys were all still asleep. She decided to freshen up for the day, and slipped into the bathroom for a shower.

The first thing she immediately grimaced at after she brushed her teeth, was the fact that she had to wear the same outfit again. She loved her faded Nirvana shirt and denim shorts with all her heart and meant no disrespect to them; but she didn't really appreciate wearing sweaty old clothes again. She decided to go shopping that day for more clothes if Zayn agreed and then proceeded to take a long shower, washing her hair gently, massaging the soap into her scalp and the conditioner into her roots, making sure every inch of her body was clean. Showers were one of the best things in the world, and they always left Caden feeling much better about life.

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