f o u r .

71 13 14

Z A Y N  J A W A A D  M A L I K (rewind to the taxi)

Everything about her annoyed him.

Maybe it was the way her blonde hair cascaded below her shoulders and curled slightly at the tips, or the way her baby blue eyes blinked with so much genuineness. He didn't know. But it was annoying.

"Watch it," he found himself snapping at her. She looked a little taken back by this and she stepped back cautiously, giving him a look. "I said I was sorry..."

Zayn did try to talk to her as politely as he could without coming across as a complete asshole. 

But sadly, that didn't work out well, since he was an complete asshole.

"I know you did. But that doesn't change the fact that you weren't careful."

The girl ran one hand through her hair before speaking. "All you have to say is that it's okay." She was talking to him like he was four years old. Another reason why he was annoyed.

"Ah," he mimicked her tone. "But it really isn't."

The girl's eyes flashed with annoyance now. Why were they even having this pointless conversation? 

"Dude. It doesn't hurt to be nice."

"Don't dude me. The name's Zayn," said Zayn, emphasising on his name. Then, he internally cringed because that had to be the lamest comeback ever. 


Ah, crap, the taxi driver. 

"Oh, sorry," Zayn fumbled to remove his wallet from his pocket, forgetting about the girl he was having the most pointless conversation with. He creased out a couple of bills and handed it to the driver, who grunted in appreciation before driving away.

Zayn straightened up- to see that the blue eyed girl was gone. 

But something was kinda wrong. 

In place of her stood a large burly man in a business suit and sunglasses, with a walkie talkie in his hand. 

Zayn stared at him. "Uh, hi?"

"Sir," this man spoke into the walkie talkie, ignoring him. "I have caught Ms. Smith's lover. But Ms. Smith has escaped once again. The other men are after her, and they'll catch her soon."

The distorted voice of another man spoke from the walkie talkie and Zayn couldn't understand a thing that he was saying.

The sunglasses dude nodded twice, before looking up at Zayn. "You're coming with us, kid."

And seconds later, the guy snapped a freaking handcuff over Zayn's wrist. Wait, what?

"What the hell?!" Zayn tugged at his arm that was now trapped inside the handcuff. The guard snapped the other cuff over his own wrist to keep Zayn from running away.

"Hey, excuse me, I think you got the wrong person. I don't know any 'Ms. Smith' and I'm definitely not in love with her! Let go, bro!"

"Shut up," snapped the sunglasses dude, as he began to walk briskly, causing Zayn to stumble along behind him. "Kid, just tell us where the girl is and I might let you go."

"What girl?!"

"Oh," the bodyguard feigned innocence. "You know, that girl you were talking to as you got out of the taxi. Yeah, we're not stupid. We know what your plan is."

"What plan?!"

"You were planning on eloping with her, weren't you? You planned on meeting at the airport and running away together," the sunglasses dude snorted. "Kids these days are so stupid."

"What?!" Zayn froze, and the guard stopped too. "What's wrong with you? I'm not eloping with anybody! I don't even know who that girl is! You've got the wrong guy!"

"That's what they all say," the bodyguard rolled his eyes. "Look, I know how bossy girlfriends can be. I bet she forced you into this. Maybe if you help us find her, then we'll let you go. Just help us find her."

Zayn stared at him. "Dude. I don't-"

"You can cut the act," the bodyguard began to walk again, forcing Zayn to walk behind him. "The quicker we find her, the quicker you can go."

No matter how much Zayn insisted and protested, the guard didn't budge. And Zayn knew that he had to be careful because he saw that shotgun tucked inside the guard's pocket. 

They were walking until they reached Forever 21, probably the worst store on this planet (don't remind Zayn of all those hours he had to wait for his sisters to finish shopping in there) and the guard was pulling him inside the store.

No employee questioned them. Oh come on, wasn't it everyday that you see a fat bodyguard kidnapping an hot, sexy greek god? 

The bodyguard looked clearly uncomfortable as they walked into the store. Pop music was blaring from the speakers and everything was pink in here. Zayn looked around the store, hoping to see anything other than teenage girls, clothes, mannequins or shoes. There was nothing else.

Another bodyguard, who looked pretty similar to the bodyguard Zayn was handcuffed to (except something in the new bodyguard's features came across as dumb) rushed up to them, with a horrified expression.

 "Mike," he panted. "She's run into the ladies restroom. We can't go in there!"

Zayn raised an eyebrow at this.

Mike sighed, massaging his temple, clearly embarrassed by his fellow goon. "Kevin, just go in there and drag her out."

Kevin shook his head desperately. "No, we can't! How can we go into a ladies restroom? That's plain gross."

Zayn was trying his best not to smirk. Mike noticed this, and smiled evilly. "Then why don't we send lover boy in to fetch her out?"

That wiped the smirk right off his face. And that was also how it all began.


idk why i enjoyed writing this chapter so much

anyways, don't forget to vote! <

Terminal Four (Z.M)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora