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She stood in front of him, her hands on her hips, and her eyes ablaze. Okay, Zayn had to admit, even though Caden looked like the type of girl who'd be cute when she was angry, she wasn't. She was down right scary.

Zayn was sitting on one of those cold metallic hospital chairs and staring at Caden, his eyes widened by a fraction in slight fear. And she was standing in front of him- all five feet five inches of her. And boy, was she mad.

"Zayn," her voice was scarily quiet. "You. Gave. Him. A. Concussion."

Zayn hadn't meant for that to happen. He had never wanted to give Mr. I'm-a-lame-TV-host's a concussion, but he guessed his punch had been way harder than he had expected it to be. Besides, it wasn't Zayn's fault. That loser face had so been asking for it plus Zayn was known to have a very, very short temper. As soon as Zayn's fist had connected with Harry's face, he had fainted which freaked everybody out so they had to drive Harry to the nearest hospital in Niall's merc. Fun.

Harry's TV show crew- all four of them- were sitting farther away from them on the same long row of metallic chairs in the hospital corridor, all glaring at Zayn with the utmost dislike in their eyes. (The camera man was missing though, he had run off after the doctor minutes ago, when the doctor had announced that Harry was okay, but was suffering from a mild concussion). Caden, on the other hand, didn't seem relieved at the news but even more agitated.

"You gave him a concussion," she repeated, her voice louder this time. "What the hell were you thinking, you idiot? What if he arrests us? What are you going to do then?"

Zayn stayed quiet, frowning at the shiny hospital floor, almost like a scolded puppy.

"I don't get how stupid and rash you can be at times!" She continued, running her hands through her hair and messing it up. "Seriously, Zayn! Are you in fourth grade? You can't go around punching people just because you're mad at them!"

Someone from the camera crew snickered obnoxiously and Zayn was seconds away from giving him the finger.

The doors of the hospital room opened and Harry dramatically sauntered out. He was holding an ice pack to his head, his eyes suspiciously clear and wide. The camera crew jumped to their feet, overjoyed when they saw their 'leader' and Harry gave them all a very dimpled smile. "Guys, the doctor gave me a lollipop."

He turned and his vision fell on Zayn and Caden, and his green eyes narrowed. "Oh look, Mr. I-punch-people-because-I-don't-have-any-sense-of-humor is here."

For a split second, Zayn was vaguely amused at how similar his and Harry's descriptions of each other were.

Caden gave Harry her best apologetic smile, but Zayn knew that she was still annoyed. "I'm really sorry Harry, about what happened. Zayn, uh, he's stupid. Please, we'll do anything to make it up to you, but please don't arrest us-"

Harry looked confused. "I would never arrest you."

Caden looked momentarily relieved. "That's so sweet of you, and god, you have no idea how sorry I am- we are-" she shot Zayn a look. Zayn reluctantly got to his feet and mumbled, "Yeah, sorry, it means a lot that you won't arrest us."

Harry scowled at Zayn immediately. "I said that I won't arrest her, I never said that I wouldn't press charges on you."

Zayn glowered back at Harry with an equally hateful glare, and things would have gotten very messy if camera-man hadn't rushed over to the scene at the correct time.

"Whoah, whoah," he stepped between Harry and Zayn, pushing them apart immediately, throwing warning glances to both. "Boys, quit it. Harry, stop."

Harry stepped backwards reluctantly but obeyed. Zayn adjusted the rolled up sleeves of his white shirt, giving Harry an annoyed look. Camera-man looked at both of them and Zayn couldn't help but feel a little warmer towards this guy.

"Look, a lot of misunderstandings have occured today," he spoke, a little patronizingly. "But you both need to sort things out." He turned to Zayn, his eyes a little softer. "Let's start over. Hi, I'm Louis."

"I'm Zayn," Zayn said gruffly but shook his hand. Louis smiled and looked towards Harry expectantly, who looked beyond irritated. "Harry, it's your turn."

Harry rolled his eyes slowly but grudgingly shook Zayn's hand. "I'm Harry," he mumblef, avoiding eye-contact.

Zayn didn't miss how hard Harry's grip was. Zayn's eyes narrowed and he gripped Harry's hand much tighter as they shook hands. "Zayn."

Harry yelped slightly at the pain and pulled his hand away, almost as if he had been burnt. "Ow!" he scowled at Zayn's smirk, and then turned to Louis. "Louis, Zayn's not going along with the fresh start thing!" He complained.

"He started it," Zayn shrugged and Caden smacked his arm. "Be nice! You gave him a concussion!" She hissed and Harry gave Zayn a look. "Yeah, Zayn. Be nice."

Louis shook his head before smiling at Caden. "Hi, I'm Louis," he introduced himself. "Caden," she responded, smiling back. "I like this fresh start thing."

The rest of the camera crew looked excluded as they awkwardly stood to a side. Louis gave them a look. "Boys, it's been a long day. Go home, get some rest. I'll call you when it's time for filming again, alright?"

The crew looked beyond relieved and agreed immediately, shooting Zayn one last look of loathing before collecting their equipment and leaving.

"Maybe we should talk this over a cup of coffee," smiled Louis. "By the way, are you two dating?"

The no was on the tip of Zayn's tongue, until he remembered that they couldn't keep telling people that they weren't dating if they wanted the guards and Caden's parents to believe they were planning to get married.

"Yeah," Zayn spoke before Caden could, and he didn't miss the confused look she shot him. "But she's kinda annoyed at me at the moment."

"Because he punched me?" Harry asked Caden, and when she nodded, he high-fived her. "I'm annoyed at him too. We can be friends now, Caden."

Louis just rolled his eyes.


a/n:- heheh where are all my larries? p.s lol at the gif

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